If you’ve read the finalists of this year’s book review contest, vote for your favorite here. Voting will stay open until Wednesday.
Thanks to a helpful reader who offered to do the hard work, we’re going to try ranked choice voting. You’ll choose your first-, second-, and third-favorite book reviews. If your favorite gets eliminated, we’ll switch your vote to your second favorite, and so on. If for some reason I can’t figure out how to make this work on time, I’ll switch to first-past-the-post, ie only count your #1 vote. Feel free to vote for your own review, as long as you honestly choose your second and third favorites.
In case you need a refresher, here are the finalists, in order of appearance:
1: Cities And The Wealth Of Nations / The Question Of Separatism
2: Lying For Money
3: Why Machines Will Never Rule The World
4: Man’s Search For Meaning
5: Njal’s Saga
6: Public Citizens
7: Safe Enough?
8: Secret Government
9: The Educated Mind
10: The Laws Of Trading
11: On The Marble Cliffs
12: The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich
13: The WEIRDest People In The World
14: The Mind Of A Bee
15: Why Nations Fail
16: Zuozhuan
Update: There’s a prediction market, but please don’t peek at it until after you’ve voted.
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