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Apr 20, 2023
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I'm on it!

(Meetup Czar here, I'm the one paying close attention to the meetups for Scott)

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Apr 12, 2023
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Scott, you gave us ammo to make fun that Americans don't understand Europe again. Barcelona is a very big city in Spain, not Italy. And you made the mistake both in the location and in the description text.

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That's not Scott's mistake, that's mine. I don't know how I made that mistake, it says Spain right in Alfonso's email. Thank you for the correction, please hold as I figure out what I was thinking. . .

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Don't worry Skyler, I was making a bit of banter. Thanks for doing all the hard organising work.

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Banter and corrections both appreciated :) If you want some comedy, I kept getting most of California confused with other parts of California. San Diego is right next to San Francisco, right?

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I had to check on the map to be sure you were making a joke about San Jose. :)

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Catalan does look more like Italian than Spanish. Parc de la Ciutadella? C'mon, no way that's in Spain, where right and proper people speak Spanish :)

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Apr 10, 2023
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Berkeley or Sunnyvale, whichever's closer to you.

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EDIT: Meetup details for Bloomington, IN Meetup in Third Street Park on Sunday April 30th at 3pm in thread below!

I notice there is one in Indianapolis but nothing in Bloomington, IN. Would anyone be interested in a Bloomington meeting? If so I'd be happy to do the organization.

If there is probably a better place to ask this let me know.

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Meetup Czar here! Some people have been adding theirs in the comments, and if I see it with the right details (or if you email it to me, I do not read every ACX comment but I do read all of my email) I'll make sure you're added to the post in the right place.

Worst thing that happens if you have a meetup and nobody comes is you hang out in a park and read a book for a few hours :)

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I'll host the meeting at the Third Street Park (aka Waldron Hill Buskirk Park) in Bloomington, IN at 3-4pm on Sunday April 30th. I'll be near the clam shell/stage with a black and white dog (tuxedo colored). Feel free to RSVP at the facebook group: https://fb.me/e/Ozg556B5

google maps link: https://goo.gl/maps/DfsYZgugaHBivNvj7

You can reach me at:


or by text/phone/whatsapp/signal at


In case of inclement weather please visit the facebook event where I'll identify a backup location.

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Wow! So excited to see Fort Lauderdale, where I live on the list. So cool! Saving to my calendar. Thanks for making this awesome community. 🙏

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Hi there, I'm from the south Florida ACX group and just noticed this comment! If you weren't able to make it to the Fort Lauderdale event, we'll be having another one in Miami this Sunday (details in the post above), and we also host events in Fort Lauderdale every other month or so. Hope this works for you!

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Yes, I couldn’t make the first one. Hope to come next time!

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Another one here, apologies I didn't fill out the form in time!


Contact: Hamish

Contact Info: hamish.todd1[at]gmail[dot]com

Time: Saturday, May 20th, 02:00 PM

Location: Upstairs at The Bath House pub! Where it also is on the third saturday of every month :) Email me if you'd like to be notified of further events. I usually have copies of Robin Hanson and Peter Singer books on the table.

Event Link: https://www.lesswrong.com/events/EaLB8WwzPpABp2nbg/cambridge-acx-ssc-monthly-meetup

Coordinates: https://plus.codes/6439+J9

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Lucky you mentioned Cambridge and gave the coordinates, because a quick Google of "Bath House Pub" turned up only one of that name, in Exmouth. Anyone attending a meet there will probably be joined by a load of trawlermen discussing their latest catch! :-)

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I’m not seeing any in Arizona, so if one does happen I’d love to know!

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Would also be interested. Would also be willing to help set it up. Just not sure if there is an existing community here already or not

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Well you'd have at least on attendee here hahaha

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There was a meetup in Tempe last year. It was well attended (I think about 12-15 people). If there's a meetup I will go.

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Do you know who organized it, or have the info of anyone else who attended who might?

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Organizing a Meetups Everywhere is deceptively easy. Pick a nice park, pick a weekend afternoon, tell the Meetup Czar about it (Hi, that's me) and you've got a basic meetup. There's ways to improve it from there but the basics really are pretty easy.

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Weekend afternoon in Arizona will be about 100 degrees. Anyone have any recommendations for somewhere inside? Maybe a cafe? (Bars are generally too loud in my experience)

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If we're talking Tucson: Snakes and Lattes. A bunch of places at UA, like the Main Library (though parking can be inconvenient if you don't want to pay a few bucks for a garage).

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I'm in Tucson! Generally available weekends except on 4/23.

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Anyone interested in doing a Kazakhstan (Almaty) meetup ? I'd be pretty wild if we managed to get 3 people.

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Woops, forgot to fill out the form in time!

I'm the regular host of the Canberra meetups. Details:

Canberra, Australia

Contact: Andy

Contact info: Andy.bachler[at]gmail[dot]com

Time: Monday 8th May, 6pm

Location: King O'Malleys Pub, the Snug Room, located in Civic.

Coordinates: P4CJ+MC Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

Event link: https://www.meetup.com/canberra-astral-codex-ten-meetup-group/events/292816447/?utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=announceModal_savedevents_share_modal&utm_source=link

Notes: Please feel free to e-mail me if you'd like more info!

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Thank you for running this! I'll make sure you're added into the post proper.

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We are also having a meeting in Halifax, Canada! Details:

Halifax, NS, Canada

Contact: usernameneeded@gmail.com

Time: April 22, 1 PM

Location: Coburg Social. We will be sitting at the table with the blue pyramid.

Event Link: https://www.lesswrong.com/events/h2kcn3tagtdBQnDRN/halifax-nova-scotia-canada-acx-spring-meetups-everywhere

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Well, somehow I've missed the call for meetups. Better late then never!

Tel Aviv, Israel

Contact: Inbar

Contact Info: inbar192[at]gmail.com

Time: Thursday, May 4th, 07:00 PM.

Location: Sarona Market, grass next to Max Brenner

Coordinates: https://plus.codes/8G4P3QCP+MP7

Event link: https://fb.me/e/MPhkE3n4

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Huh there is one in Bremen, that is wild, never would have expected one to be so remote from civilisation and close to where I live. Maybe I will visit for the first time.

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Melbourne on 27/27 May?

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Long shot but...anyone interested in meeting in Shenzhen/HongKong? Please PM me!

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Are there any ACX readers in Ghana who want to meet up? (I'll be travelling there in May)

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Could you add a link to the Las Vegas discord: https://discord.gg/9rgzTgeHC8

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Sure, I'll put it in when I add Canberra and Budapest later tonight.

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Contact: Marta

Contact info: marta[dot]krzeminska[at]gmail[dot]com

Time: Sunday, May 7, 02-05 pm

Location: Champs Sziget, Budapest, Gasztro Sétány 1, 1138 Hungary

Coordinates: https://plus.codes/8FVXG29W+XM

We'll have a sign.

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Hey, is there an ACX meetup event cover photo I can use for my facebook event. I'm not great at graphic design and don't have meetup photos since I'm trying to host one for the first time so any help is appreciated.

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If anyone's interested in a meetup in Grinnell, IA:

Contact: Victor

Info: 42destroyer@gmail.com

Time: Saturday, April 29th, 12:00 pm

Location: Saint's Rest Coffee Shop

Coordinates: https://plus.codes/86H9P7VG+G6

Notes: I'll probably just be there reading something, the area isn't dense enough that I'd expect anyone to come, but I'd love to talk if someone does. I'm college age, have longish brown hair, and usually hang out on one of the two couches.

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No Ukraine

= (

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VENUE CHANGE: Norfolk Virginia, US: today's ACX Meetup will take place at Fair Grounds starting at 10:30am instead of the Pagoda due to inclement weather. Address: 806 Baldwin Ave # 2, Norfolk, VA 23517

I will get there early to secure the round table. I have sent out updates regarding the venue change to the LessWrong event post (https://www.lesswrong.com/events/zibNpHhAmATvZBj6P/norfolk-virginia-usa-acx-meetups-everywhere-spring-2023), our Discord, and via email.

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The announcement post is updated just in case anyone goes to look, though I may have gotten to this too late to be useful.

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Thanks! I haven't heard from anyone saying they missed the venue change, I think things worked out. We had two new people join us today who I communicated with via email. Next time I choose the Pagoda (or other semi or fully outdoor locations) I'll include a "backup venue" clause :)

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Hey Scott. The link to the event for the Portland group should actually be this one:


The current link leads to the event a year ago. Everything else looks fine.

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