This is the weekly visible open thread. Post about anything you want, ask random questions, whatever. ACX has an unofficial subreddit, Discord, and bulletin board, and in-person meetups around the world. 95% of content is free, but for the remaining 5% you can subscribe here. Also:
1: More meetups this week, including London, Oxford, SF, Cambridge (UK), Vienna, Portland, Jerusalem, Sydney, Ann Arbor, Capetown, Paris, Rome, Lisbon, Boulder, Dallas, Leipzig, and Jakarta; bolding these last two since they were later additions you might have missed the first time. Check the list for more information.
2: Thanks to everyone for continued good discussion on the Highlights From The Comments On The Lab Leak Debate. I want to avoid getting bogged down in this forever, so I’ll mostly try to resist responding and just highlight some of the pro-lab-leak comments I found most thought-provoking:
ACX commenter David Bahry has published a paper on the lab leak case, especially relating to ascertainment bias.
Bahry was also able to find the source of the George Gao quote (though see also objection here)
Simon Stats on early COVID doubling time arguments (but cf my response here)
A figure I took from Peter’s blog post was edited from its original context, further explanation here.
Michael Weissman’s probabilities.
Feel free to discuss your thoughts on these here, I won’t be participating. Also: Phil H explains why one of the scientists in this debate is named “Lv” (it’s a romanization issue)
3: Sorry for low post volume recently, combination of kids, illness, and trying to get all the lab leak stuff tied up. Hopefully will improve in 18 years shortly.
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