hi Christina. i'm Ryan. 42 i live in Seattle on Capitol Hill. i also am looking for a woman. would you like to correspond? 360 995 3421 www.holylovelight.com/personals

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I think you can take it for granted that anyone on Scott's blog is not going to be surprised at anything - even you

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----------------------------- Section divider: EMPLOYMENT ------------------------------

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Hi all, I'm Rocky and I'm open to job opportunities. I have a BA in Physics and Math and spent the last two years working for a software consulting firm where I've had whirlwind of a time doing fullstack development and data science, but am now interested in pivoting to something higher impact with a more consistent stack. Based in SF and open to remote or in-person. Feel free to reach out at rockykamenrubio@gmail.com

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Hello! I'm an intermediate Python developer looking for a startup or small company doing interesting work and in need of out-of-the-box thinking and problem solving skills. If this sounds like you, feel free to contact me at matchaware (at) proton.me

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Hi! :-) Legal Impact for Chickens is hiring a litigation attorney! Our goal is to make factory-farm cruelty a liability. https://www.legalimpactforchickens.org/were-hiring

Each year, about 9 billion chickens suffer and die in US factory farms. We seek to improve their lives.

Read about us here: https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/acx-grants-results?s=r

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Hi, I am not looking for employment but I'm a litigation attorney and would be interested in helping out in a pro bono capacity. Please let me know if I can be of any help!

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Dear Charley, Thank you so much! We would absolutely love your help! Would you be down to email me at alene@legalimpactforchickens.org?

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This is a classified ad. If you want to ask clarifying questions about the job because you are interested in applying, great, but it's extremely rude to try to pick a fight in the help wanted section.

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You are correct, this is not the place for push back even on actively harmful initiatives. I withdraw my comment.

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CodeCombat is hiring for marketing associates and online coding instructor roles: https://codecombat.com/about#careers - I'm also about to post a part-time contract for game art direction. We are a mostly-open-source game for learning coding.

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Hello! The startup I was working at just got acquired and I am looking for a new job at a new startup! Broadly, I’m interested in junior ops/generalist roles at early stage startups (pre-series B). I led customer success at my last startup and am looking to continue building my product and operations skill-set. I live in San Francisco but am willing to relocate anywhere and/or work remotely.

Feel free to message me here, find me on LinkedIn, or email me at lgoldberg2424@gmail.com

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I'm currently doing a PhD in psychology in Europe and I'm frustrated with how there is so much funding going towards low-impact research, including mine. I have found it difficult to get hired and my current position assigned me to an already-funded grant proposal that I'm executing to the best of my ability, but I would still prefer to apply my skills more effectively. I would like to contribute to any initiative that aims to get scientists to do work that actually matters, so I'm hoping that someone reading this will know about or be engaged with that.

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Long shot, but I'm looking for someone with experience in spacecraft propulsion systems who is interested in solving (or better still, forestalling) exciting problems on a wide variety of interesting spacecraft. Must be a US citizen willing to at least occasionally show up at an office in Southern California, and at the moment I need chemical more than electric propulsion experience. I'll probably also be looking for a new graduate or otherwise inexperienced hire later this year, but the position I have open now requires at least two years of industry experience and a STEM master's (or a BS and 5+ years).

Email me at [my.name]@aero.org ; or just go to the Aerospace Corporation web page and look for "Spacecraft Propulsion Engineer" under job openings. If you're not familiar with the company, we're basically the USAF (ok, USSF) tech support department for spacecraft with problems beyond the ken of civil servants or military officers, occasionally also supporting NASA and other government agencies with spaceships, and we're considered one of the nicest places in the industry to work (e.g. actual 40-hour weeks and private offices).

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Jun 2, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022

I’m hiring an Engineering Lead at The Washington Post to manage a small backend engineering team and lead projects building out our CMS backend that hosts more than 1500 websites internationally. It is a collaborative and supportive work environment. If you are looking to move into management or have management experience and want to stay hands-on, this could be a great fit for you. We use a mix of Go and Node on AWS.


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If you're in DC, you should be coming to the ACX meetups, they're right downtown! We have several people that might be a good fit for this role.

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Not the OP or an employer/job searcher, but I *am* a DC resident! What are the details on these meetings?

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Hello, my name is Devin Kalish. I'm a bioethics Masters student at NYU, and I'm looking for an opportunity, either paid or unpaid, to fulfill my practicum requirement for the program. I'll need to get the opportunity approved by my department, but the basic requirements are that it is related to bioethics in some significant way, involves some sort of supervision, and is at least 40 hours in total. Ideally it should be somewhere in New York City, though if it's remote or in Western New Jersey that could be doable as well. I'm especially interested in using this practicum to do work related to Effective Altruism, and Effective Altruism and bioethics share many interests (such as medical policy, global health, emerging technologies, animals rights, and the environment), so this could be pretty broad. My background is a little scattered, I did an independent study with concentrations in Physics and Literature and minors in Philosophy and Math for undergrad, and I have an MA in English. My biggest strengths are tasks that involve philosophy, writing, and general familiarity with the Effective Altruism community. That said, I am very open to more entry level work as well. To get a sense of some of my writing/interests, you can look at some of what I've written for my friend's blog here:


If you could use some short-term help later in the summer, are doing something relevant to bioethics and effective altruism, and are interested in learning more about me, please feel free to reach out to me at dpk7324(at)nyu.edu.

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Hi everyone!

I'm currently searching for an international marketing manager position. I have 5 years of experience working with international teams throughout Asia, Latin America, Oceania, and Europe. I'm fluent in Spanish and I'm conversational in Mandarin. Current industry background is in food manufacturing and defense industry, but I would love to get into tech. Preferably I would work remote (based in MST). Any leads you have would be highly appreciated! You can email me at julia.m.monserrat (at) gmail.com and find me on LinkedIn.

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Hi, I'm Justin! RFP/proposal program manager with experience in tech, education, marketing, and nonprofit.

I run a consulting practice which specializes in building proposal programs from scratch. I can help with every aspect of the proposal process including bid sourcing/intake, bid decision processes, proposal management processes, content housing/development, and post-award intelligence. For every startup that works with government customers, there comes a time when it's important to develop a process for bids, and I love helping make that happen!

I'm available for outside consulting and would be happy to schedule an initial scoping call. Please drop me a line at justin.kresevic@gmail.com!

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We're hiring all for kinds of roles at Substack. Hopefully you know who we are already given where you are :)


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Looking for position - legal tech/smart contracts


I'm a law student with one more year to go before I graduate. I'm pretty confident a lot of legal work is going to be taken over, or made vastly more efficient, by technology. If anyone here works in the legal technology space (contract AI's, smart contracts, arbitration/negotiation programs) I'd love to do some work for you to gain some experience in the general area.

I have no programming experience, but I'm smart, good at solving problems, have a decent amount of legal experience and pick things up very quickly.

Remote, flexible hours needed, pay is optional for the right opportunity. Leave a comment if you'd like my email.


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Exec at a legal tech company here. Happy to chat about the space.

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My wife and I are each looking for some work, full-time or contract.

I have a background in computer science, math, and privacy. I've worked as a software engineer for Microsoft and Booz Allen, served as a UN expert on child online protection, and I'm currently teaching math with Art of Problem Solving. I'm a skilled writer, a confident presenter, and a creative thinker on technical matters.

My wife just graduated with a degree in economics. She's a curious and incisive researcher who picks up new domains readily, a talented writer, and knowledgeable about an enormous array of topics. She's written a report on the game theory of divination, and with amateur forensic accounting uncovered fraud back in her home country.

We're based out of the DC area, and while we'd prefer to stay in the area, we are open to relocation. I'd be happy to provide writing or project samples from either of us. If you're interested, contact me at euclid11 (at) gmail.com

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We are three robotics engineers with a background in controls (2 PhDs), looking for contracting work. So if you need a controller, dynamics model, or anything on the perception side, please reach out to me at ben[@]pytheia.com

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My company (and my team) is hiring for a variety of positions here https://jobs.lever.co/deep-labs. We develop feature engineering software for ML applications specialized to the payments processing space. contact thomas dot stearns26 at gmail dot com if interested.

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----------------------------- Section divider: DATING ------------------------------

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022

19M looking for F. Currently back at home in Los Angeles for the summer after freshman year. I'm at the University of Chicago as a Math major. Friendly ambitious nerd.

I have lots of interests but they usually fall under epistemology, philosophy, math, and action fiction. Text me at 310-720-8385 and we can talk about webnovels.

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Are there any girls in Moscow willing to date?

27\M, looking for F. Your normal LessWrong style philosophical stack with some Discordian on the side. Work as a teacher and do game design at the side.

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29; M; poly; philly; kinsey=1 to 2; seeking PLAUSIBLE COPARENTS, since a present partner doesn't want kids.

Dating profile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e2mceokf80df0d4/rat-dating-profile.odt?dl=0

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42 F seeking M, Seattle area, no children and not planning on any, but okay if you have older kids. Open to poly but prefer to meet a fellow undistracted single person.

My ideal situation would be a long-term relationship or permanent partnership, but not necessarily living together (I'm a bit of an ambivert and enjoy living alone in my condo, but love visiting others and having people over). Living together isn't off the table, though!

A perfect weekend night for me is rounding up a bunch of friends to go out to a great restaurant (I'm an omnivore foodie who loves to share dishes, it'd be nice if you were, too), and then seeing a great movie at the theater (and I am highly skilled at ferreting out the latter; I like to snobbishly say that my favorite genre is "quality."). Or maybe doing those things in reverse order so we can discuss the movie after!

On that subject, the most recent movie I watched was a second viewing of Everything Everywhere All at Once, which is one of the best movies I've seen in the last ten years and sublime as a repeat experience.

I'm not especially outdoorsy and actively anti-woodsy, but I loved the crew rowing class I took last year and it'd be cool to get back into it (I am currently contenting myself with my WaterRower and occassionally delivering evil monologs straight to camera (and it would be neat if you get that reference.).).

Much more information, photos, and a couple of highly-themed metaphor and pun-filled personal ads can be found on my Fetlife profile, username "TheStoryGirl." Direct email is christinathestorygirl at gmail dot com.

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24M seeking F. Into pretty much any activity of the mind but I spend most of my time programming and thinking about public policy. In my spare time, I do Tae-Kwon-Do and read random Wikipedia pages. I’m PNW-based but I’m easy, distance-wise.

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34 M seeking F, Western US

Looking for a life partnership and family. The dream is to build a household glowing with love, music, and community. I’d like to be highly involved with children, and my remote work gives me a lot of freedom to do that.

I love being outdoors and am very active. I’m into cycling, wilderness backpacking, rock climbing, and staring at the wind in the grass. Music is incredibly meaningful to me and I want to weave it into every part of life. When it comes to personality, I am emotionally stable, fairly extroverted, and very interested in aesthetics.

Vital stats: 6’0” (183cm), no existing children, income around $600k/yr, working remotely.

Location: I spent the pandemic traveling around the US looking for a new home. I’m now settling in Colorado, though I could be happy anywhere with great weather and outdoor access. I appreciate both country and city, and would probably like to be in a middle ground between them in the long term.

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I forgot to mention: contact me at astraldating@gmail.com

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My new dating profile: https://stevekrouse.notion.site/Date-me-Stevie-44f0b1c22350447d935f7d0e3156ebf3

tl;dr - man / straight / single / 28 / nyc

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39F, gay and gender non-conforming and in a monogamous relationship. Not interested in any romantic encounters. Looking for long-distance friendship in which we exchange long well-written e-mails in English and/or Russian about our subjective life experiences and how they relate to the world around us. My default mode in life is gawking, wide-eyed, at the insanity of the world around me and quietly muttering "What the actual bloody fuck?.." under my breath, and then trying to learn more about evolutionary biology to understand why on earth humans do these things they do. Poetry and logic both please. I want to connect with an actual human who is not hiding behind a wall of trite pleasantness and socially acceptable conversation topics. I want to talk about the meaning of life, existential dread, public policy, thermodynamics, gyoza, your dog, shit we're going through rn and things like that. It doesn't always have to be profound; I will likely express a lot of banalities because sometimes banalities resonate. I love women, especially gay women, but you can be any age, gender and sexuality - if we click, we click. If we don't, at least we tried. I am weird and I don't click with a lot of people, so if we do click, it'll be a pleasant surprise.

About me: fairly intelligent and nerdy in the sense of being academically oriented but not into typical nerd culture. Also I know as close to zero pop culture as literally anyone I've ever met. I likely have some annoying combo of ASD, ADHD, GAD, depression and who knows what else but none of it is formally diagnosed and I have accumulated a heap of coping mechanisms; none are too effective but combined they allow to live a life that appears mostly normal from the outside. This is just so you're not surprised at my being one odd bird; otoh, this is Scott's blog, so you likely won't be to begin with.

tkachira at gmx dot com

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Hey, Mike Rock Stone here, and I'd like to offer my appreciation for the brave souls who have posted here and the moderator of this forum for providing me with the inspiration and encouragement to connect with another human being.

I don't pay much attention to the clock and calendar in any conventional way but I know it's lunch time because I'm hungry, and I know it's bed time when I'm sleepy, I know it's time to wake up because I wake up. Easy enough. Lately though, I've noticed that it's time for companionship and it has proven itself to be a stumbling block.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not socially awkward or oddly phobic about dating but I don't really feel cut out for these dating sites and apps. I don't have a compatibility survey or a dating profile and I'm not interested in wasting my efforts with a lot of meaningless superficial exchanges, although I understand it is somewhat to be expected.

I am a man seeking a woman. Your physical location is not a significant factor for me, I'm guided by the magnetic properties of our quantum reality and not so much by the longitudinal poles of the globe. I am open to what may be.

Je suis artiste. I have the heart of a poet, a philosopher's soul, and the tongue of a bard. I am the stone boulder of the field, where the seasons change yet I remain. So it is that perchance a butterfly should rest upon me for a time amidst life's sojourn. I give thanks for its arrival and I do not curse when it flies away.

Where are you now? Have we not planned this before the world began? Are you not searching for the stone resting place I offer to your weary gossamer wings? Do not tarry for shyness, do not tarry for uncertainties, but follow instead that certain pull which draws us together.

Take a look if you're curious: https://linktr.ee/mikerockstone

I'm not sure how the call/response business works here so, if all else fails, email: mike@mikerockstone.com and ROCK ON \m/


















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I'm Garrett. 40/M/monogamous/atheist. I'm interested in marrying a woman and having biological children. I'm great! Despite being found in the presence of multiple dead bodies with police, I've not yet been convicted of anything serious.

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29, single & open to both monogamy and polyamory.

Exploratory & adventurous, intellectual & thoughtful, harbinger of mirth, lover of all comedic forms. Writer, pickleballer, #VanLifer, ASD, some flavor of trans (began taking œstrogen May 12th).

More info at tinyurl.com/pitterprofile

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Jun 2, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022

Hi! I'm a 24yo woman in Massachusetts, interested in women.

Current hobbies include the SCA, TTRPGs, historical architecture, Mad Investor Chaos and other glowfic, makeup, conlangs, video games. My favorite authors are Terry Pratchett and Bujold. It would be cool if you shared some of my hobbies, and had hobbies you could get me into :)

I am into effective altruism and would prefer someone who is also an EA, but it's not a dealbreaker. I am an atheist, and similarly would prefer someone who is also an atheist. Kindness, honesty, and curiosity are important to me.

I'd also like to have kids in the future, but am uncertain on timeline there. I'm open to LDRs, and monogamy or polyamory.

You can reach me by email at calliaren @ gmail or on discord at cork#8929.

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34 year old male interested in women. I live in Somerville, MA, near Boston.

I have a background in physics and academic research but like so many people I work in ML now.

I have a job I'm pretty happy with. Outside of work I like running, reading (scifi/non fiction), writing on my blog (moreisdifferent.substack.com), weightlifting, board games, and contra dance. I also like playing piano, hiking, skiing, and astronomy, although I haven't done those so much the past several years. I organize the Boston ACX meetup.

I'd like to have kids some day. I am OK with either polyamory or monogamy.

You can see pictures and read more about me on my OKCupid profile: https://www.okcupid.com/profile/delton137

Best way to reach me is at my email. d mylastname 17 at gmail

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Jun 2, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022

Hi, I’m REDACTED, a 31yo male currently living in the midwestern hinterlands.

Reasons to not date me:

-I’m a med student and have ~7 years of indentured servitude ahead of me

-Very dark sense of humor. I can’t see a medication commercial without bursting into laughter during the parts where they talk about terrible side effects over images of geriatric bowlers

-I’d like a very large number of kids.

Stuff I’m looking for:

-Likes social dancing, hiking/nature stuff, esoteric debates and discussions

-Pretty smart


-At least some degree of sassiness and confidence

My latest interests:


-Psychiatric disorders and their treatment

-The novel War and Peace

-Big Theif’s latest album

-Black comedy films


-Rene Gerard

-+ most of the typical rat/postrat/tpot media tastes

I’m looking for penpals or a LDR. You can reach me at disposablehead at gmail.

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I'm a 21-year-old male, living in Poland, but open to LDRs. I study computer science at Wroclaw university of science and technology. My interests mainly revolve around coding / tech things, but I consider myself a curious person and I basically love everything that sounds intellectually gratifying. I'm basically open to everyone, both potential friendships and relationships. You can contact me at miki#0465 on Discord, mi ki1 232 11 @g mai l.com via email, without the spaces of course.

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----------------------------- Section divider: READ MY BLOG ------------------------------

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I'm Kulak, I'm a prominent contributor to The Motte and the SSC reddit.

My Blog is Anarchonomicon, where I Focus on dissident politics and culture as well as the future of warfare.

My 3 most prominent pieces are:

**Alex Jones Wordsmith**

An Analysis of Alex Jones according to the Conventions of ancient poetry



A deep dive into the dynamics of Prison Gangs and its implications for life outside prison



**The Dream of the motorcycle Warlords**

An intensive look at motorcycles in warfare and their increasing use amongst irregular forces around the world



I Also contribute to The Motte's Sister Podcast "The Bailey"


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I wrote a blogpost on why some of the most famous artists and companies in history have pretty pedestrian names, and why that might be relevant.


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I'm Paul! Me and my co-host Anna just started The Engineering History Podcast. It's a blend of history, STEM topics, ironic humor, and even a little bit of philosophy. Come listen to the podcast that prompted a reviewer to write "These Wackos are Really Fun to Listen to!"

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1-animals-in-space/id1626752040?i=1000564443023

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5tqwwOdGofP4AoPEKO8GSt?si=ee51fec9fb454797

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Hi, I’m Farez Vadsaria, a software engineer based in Seattle with 6 years of experience.

I recently started a Substack as an audio focused companion site to my main blog (I will eventually import everything over to Substack) and podcast. Check it out for episode 2 & it’s transcript https://farezv.substack.com/p/farez-for-me-podcast-ep-2-web-3-decentralization?s=r

It’s focused on Crypto, NFTs, Investing & Software Engineering in Web3.

Thank you for doing these Scott. I’m new to Substack & your blog but enjoying everything so far.

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Not really a blog, but: Here's my personal website I've been writing on & off for ~3 years now.

Content is mostly extremely ambitious texts I have ~10% finished, and solutions to math textbooks. If I write a new thing on something, I usually try to write the best text on that topic along a certain axis (example 1: https://niplav.github.io/considerations_on_cryonics.html, example 2: https://niplav.github.io/range_and_forecasting_accuracy.html).


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I wonder if anyone actually reads these haha. Anyway, here's mine if you're interested in interesting essays with a bit of an oddball perspective. 2.5 million view blogger and counting. Cheers! https://jjpryor.substack.com/

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I do! Just checking your stuff...

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Awesome, thanks! It doesn't hold a candle to ACT of course. Perhaps some day, though.

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This world does not need another ACT, so no worries! :)

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Hey, my name is Judd Baroff and I write fiction.

Though I've written about 100 short stories, I haven't published much yet. I'm probably not great and I'm a bit counter-cultural besides I'm looking for advice or help, but, also, I really like the two stories I have up and hope you all will like them too.


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Hi, I'm Byron Cohen. I'm a PhD candidate in public health at Harvard, blogging about public health and health policy. I hope you check it out and subscribe: https://raisinghealth.substack.com/

Recent posts focus on:

- Why you'll probably live longer than you expect: https://raisinghealth.substack.com/p/youll-probably-live-longer-than-you?s=w

-When should public health experts "get political"? https://raisinghealth.substack.com/p/the-experts-dilemma?s=w

-How long should COVID isolation be? (criticizing the CDC guidelines): https://raisinghealth.substack.com/p/how-long-should-covid-isolation-be?s=w

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Writing about investing. Latest article explains game theory of oligopolies using DRAM industry as an example:


Most of my articles are like this tho:


Also want to write a lot more about social science related issues. Especially Anthropology (writing an analysis on Nuer, Yanomamo and Trobrianders) and political science (how power works on an abstract level).

But have not been all that motivated, especially seeing how the more theoretical oligopoly article generated little interest.

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Want to help support free thought on college campus? Think that college students should spend less time sitting around falling asleep in lecture halls accumulating student debt, and more time actually thinking, discussing, and writing about public policy? Then check out our newspaper thetexashorn.com. Since our founding a year ago, we have become the largest student-controlled newspaper at UT Austin, providing independent news coverage of, and original reporting on, Texas politics, diverse opinions on economics and public policy, and insightful analysis of Texas, American, and Global politics. Most of all, we provide young writers with the chance to hone their thinking, and prepare them for the world of journalism and blogging.

If you want to support the young person who could become the next Bari Weiss, Glenn Greenwald, or maybe even a blogger as good as Scott, please check us out and share our work at thetexashorn.com, or follow us on twitter @thetexashorn.

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I'm a philosophy prof and co-editor (with Will MacAskill) of utilitarianism.net. My substack, 'Good Thoughts' -- https://rychappell.substack.com/ -- mostly covers moral philosophy and applied ethics from a consequentialist perspective.

Some recent highlights include:

(1) Parfit in Seven Parts: https://rychappell.substack.com/p/parfit-in-seven-parts

(2) Beware Status Quo Risks: https://rychappell.substack.com/p/beware-status-quo-risks?s=w and

(3) Beneficentrism (or, "utilitarianism minus the controversial bits"): https://rychappell.substack.com/p/beneficentrism?s=w

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My blog at axiomsofdominion.substack.com discusses primarily my Map&Menu [D][I][P] focused fantasy strategy and social simulation game of the same name.

I know the description is a bit much but there's no good comparable example. [D][I][P] stands for [D]iplomacy(foreign policy), [I]ntrigue(shadowy policy), and [P]olitics, domestic policy.

The game is played out on, obviously, a map and menu system with a strong Kudos 2/Academagia like social simulation, but with much more detail and emergence. Also there is magic, lots of magic.

In fact a major series of posts on the blog, subtitled Esoteric Arcana, explains how I'm implementing very rare aspects of magic in a meaningful and flavorful way based off the more than normally detailed social/strategy simulation.

Gameplay wise you are playing a character who has important relationships with other characters including friends, family, peers, and colleagues, in a pre-modern medieval fantasy world. You may or may not be managing land/titles, researching or performing a dizzying array of magic, handling trade and logistics, or weaving webs like a fantasy novel schemer.

Axioms attempts to simulate a more open system of states and state building, allowing you to mimic the Socii and/or Auxilia of Rome or other uncommonly seen systems instead of just pure western medieval feudalism.

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Hi I'm Matt. I'm writing a blog called Utility Monster. It's ultimately about my efforts to optimize my life. I describe it in more detail here: https://utilitymonster.substack.com/about

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Hi everyone, I'm Dylan. I'm a social-personality psychologist and Associate Teaching Professor at Johns Hopkins. I have a blog about social issues on Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-resistance-hypothesis and I co-host a podcast with Manuel Galvan called A Bit More Complicated (Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-bit-more-complicated/id1611229580 and Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3jiL3kVzpWDtQnzqbPNZO7?si=4739c3b491c04075). I would love for folks to check them out. And I greatly appreciate any suggestions or feedback!

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Overwhelmed by all the interesting blogs posted here? My newsletter provides you with a single thought-provoking link from the blogosphere every other day. Sign up at www.thinking-about-things.com.

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How come you do not include an example on your site? Or I missed it?

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My podcast The Mind Killer is a rationalist take on news and politics. https://mindkiller.substack.com/

Other rationalist podcasts here: https://livingwithinreason.substack.com/p/rationalist-podcasts

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Thanks Wesley. Feel free to take a look at our submission guidelines if you're ever interested in submitting a piece.

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------------------------ Section divider: CONSUME MY PRODUCT/SERVICE -----------------------

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

I'm a math tutor looking for students who actually want to learn math. (I'm tired of working with kids who come to my lessons just because their parents told them so.)

I feel comfortable teaching anything up to college level (inclusive).

I'm most comfortable as a "mentor" rather than a lecturer — in other words, you'd be largely studying/learning on your own, and I'd be there to help you get unstuck, give context, brainstorm paths forward, suggest alternate readings, and hopefully you get the picture.

I'm a bit rusty on my probability and statistics, but if this is something this community might be especially interested in I would be delighted to have such an opportunity to brush up on it :-)

First meeting is free. Rates afterward will depend on the complexity of your demand and your ability to pay.

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Library of excellent recipes.

If you ever look for a tested recipe, I have a collection of excellent ones with links, sometimes with improvements or comments. Includes Kenji, Ramsay, Nosrat, Pepin...

Have a look at http://lindyrecipe.com/?utm_source=ACT

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I’m starting a community of founders who do regular usability tests for each other.

You do 3 tests per week, you get 3 tests per week. I provide a trainings-plan like structure. I do all the work behind the curtain.

Everything runs through Slack.

You waste no time.

You continuously improve your UX go get insights from fresh users.

It’s $90 per month.

That is $7,5 per test.


Reach out to erich@meetanyway.com

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Posting for a friend:

Midday Tech is trying to create a way for anyone to have a direct, immediate, tangible impact on climate by crowdfunding direct incentives for families to put up new rooftop solar in coal-heavy places each month. They have an initial set of signups already, and the first rooftop solar install goes live in July.

Their incentive lowers the upfront cost of solar by a few thousand dollars, which makes it possible for families who wouldn't otherwise. They limit eligibility to those who are not planning to install solar anyway, focusing especially on lower-income families and areas that lack local incentives.

Sign up at https://middaytech.com , or reach out to them at team@middaytech.com.

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Need help with your writing for work or school? Seeking a beta reader for your novel? My name is Nicole Wall, and I'm offering my services as a writing tutor and freelance proofreader/editor, available for short or long-term projects. I hold a master's degree in English and nine years' experience teaching academic, business, and technical writing.

I foster a supportive learning environment with tailored instruction to help you become a more capable and confident writer. Over the years I have worked extensively with both native and secondary English speakers, students and clients from all over the world. Come to me for by-the-hour tutoring and by-the-word editing or proofreading. I can give constructive feedback on a wide range of genres: fiction, academic writing in a variety of subjects (including theses and dissertations), CV's, cover letters, presentations, and technical proposals and reports. I am trained in rhetoric and argument as well as grammar and style; I can read your work for everything from missing commas to large-scale structure, dangling participles to the use of evidence, according to your needs. Long-term relationships welcome, hard deadlines not a problem.

Rates for short pieces are negotiable; rates for long work will begin at $12/1,000 words. Rush work will be considered. I do NOT write essays for students. For further information and to get in touch, see my website: https://unlockthewordhoard.wordpress.com/tutoring-services/

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I've created an AI assistant that helps me compose new melodies. Here is a YouTube playlist with the electric piano version of 60 melodies: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoCzMRqh5SkFwkumE578YO4qa1NTkmMi4. I'll post new ones on the channel and I'll post updates at https://twitter.com/AImelodies.

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Hello. I'm an experienced ghostwriter and SEO expert. I've ghosted books ranging from memoirs of senior UN officials, to white papers for tech firms, and have helped dozens of businesses boost growth by winning Google page one results through outstanding content. If you need a compelling book in your own tone of voice, or want authoritative blog content that is actually useful to readers and outranks the competition, please get in touch with me at chetan[at]lextrous[dot]com. Thank you.

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We are a DevOps company that provides easy to deploy and maintain observability tools, similar to DataDog and AWS, but at a fraction of the cost. Observability is useful in monitoring the health of your software infrastructure, through automated fixes and alerts, and our product can seamlessly be integrated into any existing kubernetes cluster. We provide a 14 day trial of our product if interested, and might also be able to provide our services for free depending on the size of your infrastructure.

If interested, please reach out to amogh@opsverse.io.


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If you are working on project that needs a photographer or videographer I'm interested in doing more collaborative things. I mostly do wildlife photography (check out instagram.com/drethelin for a stream of my recent animal photos) but I would be excited to branch out into more things.

Here's an example of my video content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh8GFBD5FWw&t=24s

I can do photo and video editing too although I'm not as good at that.

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Do you like singing with friends? Do you like harmonies, folk songs, and hymns? I made a free and open source website to provide high quality sheet music with on-page playback, so whether you like reading music, or learning by ear, you might find something you like.

There's tons of traditional religious hymns, but quite a few secular pieces as well. One example: https://hymnsinger.com/listing/drinking-alone

Everything is typeset using Lilypond, and every piece of music is generated in a bunch of formats and styles: traditional sheet music, lead sheet, projection slides, shape notes, and an alternative music notation called Clairnotes. I'm open to feedback and suggestions!

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Counselling and psychotherapy with a fully qualified practitioner specialising in anxiety relief and confidence building. Have a look at my website for client testimonials and more details https://onlinecounsellingtherapist.com/

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A writing project from last year, that is somewhat esoteric: 时间研究书简.com (that is xn--1jq478ctzmzhcbtb231g.com ) (( you don't have to read Chinese, it is written in English ))

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Overwhelmed by all the interesting blogs posted here? My newsletter provides you with a single thought-provoking link from the blogosphere every other day. Sign up at www.thinking-about-things.com.

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Science fiction book: Storm Between the Stars

When shifts in hyperspace let an isolated colony recontact the rest of the human race, they find humanity under the thumb of an empire that erases all history and wants total control.

Book One was a finalist for the Prometheus Award for best libertarian SF novel.

Books 2-4 are now out, book 5 is in progress.


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Out of curiosity, how much money do you earn when I buy the book from Amazon for $2.99? Would it help you more if I bought the book through that link or if I sent you the money directly?

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I get about two bucks. Buying through Amazon also boosts sales rank, which is good for visibility. The best help you could give me would be writing a positive review after reading it.

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Will do! Pretty sure I'll like it haha

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Jun 2, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022

I'm a traditional astrologer and enjoy practicing the art of horary for strangers on the internet. Please feel free to drop me a line at FlexOnMaterialists@protonmail.com with your query and I will use the toolkit of medieval astrology to ascertain an answer. Discretion guaranteed!

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Personal only, or also mundane astrology?

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My startup: a Slack app for anonymous team feedback.


Mostly used by startups atm. We have 5 stars on G2 and offer a free 2 week trial!

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----------------------------- Section divider: OTHER ------------------------------

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Do you have a cat? Do you have an egg?

Please consider balancing the egg on top of the cat and sharing a photo.


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Anyone remembers those old digital encyclopedias about dinosaurs, natural environments, minerals, and whatnot they made in the 90s? Lately I've put together a reconstruction of one such encyclopedia on CD I had as a kid ("The Ocean of Origins", a French production from 1995, all dedicated to the evolution of life in prehistoric oceans). The company that produced it ceased to exist twenty years ago, and there is almost no information about the game on the web; if you want to help me make sure that this little gem from the 90s is not forgotten, you can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcMUlGK34vd0B19TJoHyirJ3vSM5lO5vY (original audio and text are from the Italian edition I had, but I've added English translation for anything of substance).

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Any fellow Freemasons on here? If so, I’d love to connect! Bonus points if you’re interested in business/tech or live anywhere close to Virginia.

You can reach me at brandon . quintin @ out look . com (no spaces)

Would also be interested in meeting anyone who’s actively part of the civic/fraternal order/club world, elks, lions, rotary, etc etc.

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Hi, I'm a 24 years old economics and philosophy student in Berlin. Not really familiar with the rationalist community, but a fan of the blog. Looking to meet some people! Hmu at kottsiek@hu-berlin . de

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Jun 2, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022

CRPS Studies. I would like to know if there are any readers who study and or encounter CRPS patients in the course of their work? I have been living with this condition for some years and have found that in the U.S. there is very little medical based support or long term treatment options. If anyone is familiar with this syndrome and, or working in the area who can point me towards a team//group for advanced treatment I would be most appreciative. (mark@samwaf.us)

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I'm working on a (for now, private) personal, non-profit software project and could use some relevant help. I'm looking for people with some experience writing for the Android camera2 API directly, preferably in Kotlin, with the goal of writing/handling some of the UI components. I'm looking at putting this online in a few months in an open source license, though I'd want to be assigned the copyright. I'd be willing to pay hundreds to low-thousands of dollars (negotiable based on scope provided/delivered) for this assistance.

My mental model of a collaborator would be a self-starter with Android development experience currently in college with some spare time, though anybody is willing to express interest.

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As an encore to the DSL meetup this weekend, we're touring the aircraft carrier Hornet in Alameda on Sunday afternoon. Details should be posted both on my blog (navalgazing.net) and the meetup thread on DSL.

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Read my forum post about why we should make a list ranking the impact (via donations) of the top ~1000 people on this metric (spoiler: to cause a flood of cash to the best EA organizations): https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/LCJa4AAi7YBcyro2H/proposal-impact-list-like-the-forbes-list-except-for-impact

When you're done reading, consider joining the Discord at the bottom of that post to help me make it, or comment about why you disagree with me about the super high EV of the project.

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A successful prediction, of sorts: https://manifold.markets/AlexPower/will-the-country-of-turkey-be-recog


In this case, "prediction" was a matter of paying attention to news stories that fell below the radar of others.

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I made some Data Science challenges and posted them on LW; the handful of people who played them seemed to really like them, so I'm sharing them more widely. The replayable ones I built are collected as a Sequence at https://www.lesswrong.com/s/gDiScDuMrWNpzwNSJ. (You can also look at the tag https://www.lesswrong.com/tag/d-and-d-sci to see community discussion and the games other people built in the same genre.)

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If you live in Miami or plan to visit, come hang out at the Miami ACX meetup! Meetups are announced on our Discord server and Facebook group, links can be found here --> https://www.lesswrong.com/groups/YmgPiAS7j7s4vmuNh

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Jun 2, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022

Wanted: evolutionary psychologist/anthropologist or similar, for collaboration

I have a paper on the origins of human consciousness, completed but not polished, written by my grandfather, a Harvard PhD psychologist, who died one week ago today at almost 99 years old. It has fallen to me to put the final polish on this paper and try to get it published in a reputable journal. My grandfather's website provides some background on him: https://herbcaron.com/

I am not a credentialed scientist, though I am a social researcher by trade and I have scholarly writing experience and some limited experience with the process of scientific publication. I also spent a lot of time over the past two decades discussing the topic of the paper with my grandfather.

My hope is to find a credentialed scientist in a relevant field who is interested and can help me via collaboration. (I'm envisioning primarily we pass notes/comments/edits back and forth via email or Google docs.) If that's you or someone you know, please reach out: nadavzohar@protonmail.com

PS. Unless we apply for and win one of Scott's grants or something, what I can offer is a possible coauthorship. This might be a good opportunity for a grad student.

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Does anyone know what happened to Spruce.cam--the website that would review a live video call or a recorded one and help you figure out lighting/camera/microphone placement? If the service moved, I would like to know where to--I used it, found it super helpful, and would like to recommend it to others.

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Here's an idea for a scientific paper that I'd like to get somebody to write:

In this study [1], researchers determined that people with anorexia were bad at judging how well they would fit through doorways.

In this article [2], researchers describe how to reliably induce an anorexia-like condition in laboratory animals.

The idea is: can we (a) come up with some means of determining how mice/rats judge how well they can fit through narrow openings, (b) induce the anorexia-like condition in the animals, (c) see whether there's a change in (a)?

I'd love to learn whether animals with AN-like conditions have "body image issues" too, and think it would bear on the problem of developing effective treatments for humans.

Tell me if you're interested!

[1] https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0064602

[2] https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-61779-458-2_25

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A friend of mine made a parody of LinkedIn called ShlinkedIn—and it is INCREDIBLE. The content (all user generated) is hilarious in its own right, but what really interests me about this project is the idea of collaborative satire. Definitely worth a scroll!

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God, this is brilliant. I can't express how much I hate linkedin.

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My favorite one is "Why I, as CEO, Am Invoking my Right to Primae Noctis". Top tier shitposting.


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Ugh, that actually turns my stomach. (Sooo... it turns out that a great deal of the site's humor is not a perfect fit for me.) Not that it wouldn't be catharsis for some, if Reality can be a pretty dark place.

Otoh... Shlinkedin has the vibe of spontaneity and ridiculousness and small-community.

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1. Oh WOW, this is amazing. Now I want to be an early adopter!!!

2. To that friend's knowledge, are people mostly using made-up names, or what?

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Yup—a lot of people seem to take on a character or persona (e.g., God; Office Spider; Jeff Bezos' Forehead). But my understanding is it's definitely still evolving/whatever you want to make it!

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Hi :) I recently got an ACX grant to create a Forecasting Wiki (https://forecasting.wiki/) so I want to advertise two things:

1) Join the Wiki! If you click the link above you will find info on how to participate and join our Discord. It's still work in progress and we're happy about new collaborators.

2) The wiki is currently hosted on a free platform called Miraheze (https://miraheze.org/) which hosts a bunch of wikis and is entirely run by volunteers who do an amazing job. E.g. they have over 300,000 visitors per day on their sites and manage all of that with a tiny budget of about $4000 per year.

We got in touch with them in order to ask whether we could pay them to speed up their services (which they won't do, as their philosophy is to provide a free and equally good service to everyone). As it turns out we could actually help them increase speed on their *entire server farm* significantly with as little as $3-5k, which they would use to buy new servers.

We think this a great project. If you would like to support it have a look here: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Fundraiser

If you would like to help coordinate fundraising / know donors who might be interested OR if you want to get in touch about the Forecasting Wiki, send me a message on Twitter: @nikosbosse or write me an email (same thing at gmail dot come).

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