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Feb 24, 2022
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To be fair, their bet is equivalent to a bet against all sources of world ending (assumedly if a nuclear war destroys the world, Caplan still isn’t getting his $200)

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Or even catastrophes short of extinction that kill Caplan.

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In principle, if one or both of them gets struck by Truck-kun their heirs and/or estates could settle the bet, but either way it would lower the chances of money being transferred in 2030.

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> Oh, thank God! I thought you’d said five million years!”

That one has always tickled me too.

I thought of it when an debate raged here about saving humanity by colonization other star systems. I’d mentioned the ‘No reversing entropy’ thing and the response was: “We’re just talking about the next billion years!

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> Bartlett agrees this is worth checking for and runs a formal OLS regression.

Minor error, but I'm Barnett.

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Another minor error: I believe Carl Shulman is not 'independent' but still employed by FHI (albeit living in the Bay Area and collaborating heavily with OP etc).

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Also pretty sure Carl is no longer living in the Bay Area, but in Reno instead (to the Bay Area's great loss)

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Another minor error: Transformative AI is "AI that precipitates a transition comparable to (or more significant than) the agricultural or industrial revolution".

This is easy to fix Scott, and about as long as your original description + its witty reply.

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Sorry, fixed.

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Sure, but what does Bartlett think?

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Another minor error: quoting on Mark Xu's list

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That last graph may be a heck of a graph, but I have no idea what it depicts. Could we have a link to the source or an explanation, please?

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Without explicitly confirming at the source, it appears to be a graph of chess program performance per computational power, for multiple models over time.

The Y-axis is chess performance measured using the Elo system, which is a way of ranking performers by a relative standard. Beginner humans are <1000, a serious enthusiast might be >1500, grandmaster is ~2500, and Magnus Carlsen peaked at 2882.

The X-axis is how much compute ("thinking time") each model was allowed per move. This has to be normalized to a specific model for comparisons to be meaningful (SF13-NNUE here) and I'm just going to trust it was done properly, but it looks ok.

The multiple lines are each model's performance at a given level of compute. There are three key takeaways here: 1) chess engines are getting more effective over time even allowed the same level of compute, 2) each model's performance tends to "level out" at some level of allocated resources, and 3) a lot of the improved performance of new models comes from being able to usefully utilize additional resources.

That's a big deal, because if compute keep getting cheaper but the algorithms can't really leverage it, you haven't done much. But if ML folks look at the resources thrown at GPT-3 and say "the curve isn't bending!" it could be a sign that we can still get meaningful performance increases from moar power.

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many thanks!

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Scott seems to take from this graph that it supports the "algorithms have a range of compute where they're useful" thesis. But I see it as opposing that.

First, the most modern algorithms are doing much better than the older ones *at low compute regimes* so the idea that we nearly immediately discover the best algorithms for a given compute regime once we're there appears to be false - at least we didn't manage to do that back in 1995.

Second, regimes where increased computation gives a benefit to these algorithms seems pretty stable. It's just that newer algorithms are across-the-board better. I guess it's hard to compare a 100 ELO increase at 2000 ELO to a 100 ELO increase at 3000 ELO, but I don't really see any evidence in the plot that newer algorithms *scale* better with more compute. If anything, it's that they scale better at low compute regimes, which more lend itself to a Yudkowskian conclusion.

Am I misinterpreting this?

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I agree with you. If it were really the case that "once the compute is ready, the paradigm will appear", I would expect to see all of the curves on this graph intersect each other, with each engine having a small window for which it dominates the ELO roughly corresponding to the power of computers at the time it was made.

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I'd expect that the curves for, say, image recognition tasks, *would* intersect, particularly if the training compute is factored in.

But the important part this graph shows is: the difference between algorithms isn't as large as the difference between compute (although the relative nature of ELO makes this less obvious).

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I think those algorithms have training baked in, so a modern trained net does really well even with low compute (factor of 1000 from hardware X software), but the limit on how good an algo you could train was a lot lower in the past (factor of 50 from software alone)

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Sorry for replying to a very old comment, but

I think the chart is Complicated by the fact that ELO is a relative measure of chess power, not an absolute measure

an ELO of 1500 in 1920 means a very different quantity of chess ability compared to the same ELO in 2020

since the whole purpose of ELO is to give the correct odds of victory between two players, it does something like representing the true chess power of an algorothm, divided by the distribution of chess power over the entire chess-playing community at the time of measurement

and that would mean that a linear increase in chess power yield diminishing returns in ELO

You could probably measure this objectively if it were possible to make chess puzzles hard enough to actually differentiate between top tier players and superintelligent players

but either way i think it makes the whole chart kind of worthless when we're interested in the absolute value of chess power

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> But if ML folks look at the resources thrown at GPT-3 and say "the curve isn't bending!" it could be a sign that we can still get meaningful performance increases from moar power.

I don't follow the space closely, but I think this is exactly what ML folks are saying about GPT-3.

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Basically a Gwern quote IIRC, but I wouldn't hold him responsible for my half-rememberings!

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It seems easier to just have children.

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This made me laugh

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If you think about it long enough it should.

When we say we want AIs what we are really saying is we want an AI that is better than humans not just an AI. But there are geniuses being born every day.

But what we really want is to understand consciousness and to solve particular problems faster than than we can at the moment.

We wanted to fly like the birds but we really did not invent an artificial bird. We wanted to work as hard as horse, but did not invent an artificial horse.

The question of consciousness is a legitimate and important question.

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I think this is an important point. Doing basic research in AI as a way to understand NI makes enormous sense: we understand almost nothing about how our mind works, and if we understood much more we could (one hopes) make enormous strides in education, sociology, functional political institutions, the treatment of mental illness, and the improvement of life for people with mental disabilities (through trauma, birth, or age). We could also optimize the experience and contributions of people who are unusually intelligent, and maybe figure out how to boost our own intelligence, via training or genetic manipulation. Exceedingly valuable stuff.

But as a technological end goal, an actual deployed mass-manufactured tool, it seems highly dubious. There are only three cases to consider:

(1) We can build a general AI that is like us, but much dumber. Why bother? (There's of course many roles for special-purpose AIs that can do certain tasks way better than we can, but don't have our general-purpose thinking abilities.)

(2) We can build a general AI that is like us, and about as smart. Also seems mostly pointless, unless we can do it far cheaper than we can make new people, and unless it is so psychologically different it doesn't mind being a slave.

(3) We can build a general AI that is much smarter than us. This seems a priori unlikely, in the sense that if we understood intelligence sufficiently well to do this, why not just increase our own intelligence first? Got to be easier, since all you need to do is tweak the DNA appropriately. And even if we could build one, why would we want to either enslave a hyperintelligent being or become its slaves, or pets? Even a bad guy wouldn't do that, since a decent working definition of "bad guy" is "antisocial who doesn't want to recognize any authority" and building a superintelligent machine to whom to submit is rather the opposite of being a pirate/gangster boss/Evil Overlord.

I realize plenty of people believe there is case (2b) we can build an AI that is about as smart as us, and then *it* can rebuild itself (or build another AI) that is way smarter than us, but I don't believe in this boostrapping theory at all, for the same reason I find (3) dubious a priori. The idea that you can build a very complex machine without any good idea of how it works seems silly.

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>The idea that you can build a very complex machine without any good idea of how it works seems silly.

But that's essentially what ML does. If there was a good idea of how a solution to a given problem works, it would be implemented via traditional software development instead.

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I disagree. I understand very well what a ML program does. I may not have all the details at my fingertips, but that is just as meaningless as the fact that I don't know where each molecule goes when gasoline combusts with oxygen. Sure, there's a lot of weird ricochets and nanometer-scale fluctuations that go on about which I might not know, absent enormous time and wonderful microscopes -- but saying I don't know the details is nowhere near saying I don't know what's going on. I know in principle.

Same with ML. I may not know what this or that node weight is, and to figure out why it is what it is, i.e. trace it back to some pattern in the training data, would take enormous time and painstaking not to say painful attention to itsy bitsy detail, but that is a long way from saying I don't know what it's doing. I do in principle.

I'll add this dichotomy has existed in other areas of science and technology for much longer, and it doesn't bother us. Why does a particular chemical reaction happen in the pathway it does, exactly? We can calculate that from first principles, with a big enough computer to solve a staggeringly huge quantum chemistry problem. But if you wanted to trace back this wiggle in the preferred trajectory to some complex web of electromagnetic forces between electrons, it would take enormous time and devotion to detail. So we don't bother, because this detail isn't very important. We understand the principles by which quantum mechanics determines the reaction path, and we can build a machine that finds that path by doing trillions of calculations which we do not care to follow, and maybe the path is not what raw intuition suggests (which is why we do the calculation at all, usually), but at no point here do we say we do not *understand* why the Schroedinger Equations is causing this H atom to move this way instead of that. I don't really see why we would attribute some greater level of mystic magic to a neural network pattern-recognition algorithm.

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>...but that is a long way from saying I don't know what it's doing. I do in principle.

Knowing in principle seems like a much lower bar than having a good idea how something works.

>I don't really see why we would attribute some greater level of mystic magic to a neural network pattern-recognition algorithm.

Intelligence is an emergent phenomenon (cf., evolution producing hominid minds), so what magic do you see being attributed beyond knowledge of how to build increasingly complex pattern-recognition algorithms?

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That's not what ML does. ELI5, ML is about as well understood as the visual cortex, it's built like a visual cortex, and it solves visual cortex style problems.

People act like just because each ML model is too large and messy to explain, all of ML is a black box. It's not. Each model of most model classes (deep learning, CNN, RNN, gbdt, whatever you want) is just a layered or otherwise structured series of simple pattern recognizers, each recognizer is allowed to float towards whatever "works" for the problem at hand, and all the recognizers are allowed to influence each other in a mathematically stable (ie convergent) format.

End result of which is you get something that works like a visual cortex: it has no agency and precious little capacity for transfer learning, but has climbed the hill to solve that one problem really well.

This is a very well understood space. It's just poorly explained to the general public.

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My initial objection to Carl was based on a difference of opinion about what constitutes a "good idea of how it works". You appear to share his less-restrictive understanding of the phrase.

N.B., I am a working data scientist who was hand coding CV convolutions two decades ago.

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> This seems a priori unlikely, in the sense that if we understood intelligence sufficiently well to do this, why not just increase our own intelligence first? Got to be easier, since all you need to do is tweak the DNA appropriately.

I think this is mistaken. For reasons that Scott has talked about elsewhere, the fact that we aren't *already* smarter suggests that we're near a local optimum for our physiology / brain architecture / etc, or evolution would have made it happen; eg it may be that a simple tweak to increase our intelligence would result in too much mental illness. Finding ways to tweak humans to be significantly smarter without unacceptable tradeoffs may be extremely difficult for that reason.

On the other hand, I see no a priori reason that that local optimum is likely to be globally optimal. So conditional on building GAI at all, I see no particular reason to expect a specific barrier to increasing past human-level intelligence.

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Oh I wouldn't disagree that it's likely to be hard to increase human intelligence. Whether what we mean by "intelligence" -- usually, purposeful conscious reasoning and imagination -- has been optimized by Nature is an interesting and unsolved question, inasmuch as we don't know whether that kind of intelligence is always a survival advantage. There are also some fairly trivial reasons why Nature may not have done as much as can be done, e.g. the necessity for having your head fit through a vagina during birth.

But yeah I'd take a guess that it would be very hard. I only said that hard as it is, building a brand-spanking new type of intelligence, a whole new paradigm, is likely to be much harder.

Anyway, if we take a step back, the idea that improving the performance of an engine that now exists is a priori less likely than inventing a whole new type of engine is logically incoherent.

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"if we understood intelligence sufficiently well to do this, why not just increase our own intelligence first?"

Because the change is trivial in computer code, but hard in DNA.

For example, maybe a neural structure in 4d space works really well. We can simulate that on a computer, but good luck with the GM.

Maybe people do both, but the human takes 15-20 years to grow up, whereas the AI "just" takes billions of dollars and a few months.

Because we invented an algorithm that is nothing at all like a human mind, and works well.

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That would be convincing if anyone had ever written a computer code that had even the tiniest bit of awareness or original thought, no matter how slow, halting, or restricted in its field of competence. I would say that the idea that a computer can be programmed *at all* to have original thought (or awareness) is sheer speculation, based on a loose analogy between what a computer does and what a brain does, and fueled dangerously by a lot of metaphorical thinking and animism (the same kind that causes humans to invent local conscious-thinking gods to explain why it rains when it does, or eclipses, or why my car keys are always missing when I'm in a hurry).

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Deep blue can produce chess moves that are good, and aren't copies of moves humans made. GPT3 can come up with new and semi-sensible text.

Can you give a clear procedure for measuring "Original thought".

Before deep blue, people were arguing that computers couldn't play chess because it required too much "creative decision making" or whatever.

I think you are using "Original thought" as a label for anything that computers can't do yet.

You have a long list of things humans can do. When you see a simple dumb algorithm that can play chess, you realize chess doesn't require original thought, just following a simpleish program very fast. Then GPT3 writes kind of ok poetry and you realize that writing ok poetry (given lots of examples) doesn't require original thought.

I think there is a simplish program for everything humans do, we just haven't found it yet. I think you think there is some magic original thought stuff that only humans have, and also a long list of tasks like chess, go, image recognition etc that we can do with the right algorithm.

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"Because the change is trivial in computer code, but hard in DNA."

In any large software shop which relies on ML to solve "rubber hits the road" problems, not toy problems, it takes literally dozens of highly paid full time staff to keep the given ML from falling over on its head every *week* as the staff either build new models or coddle old ones in an attempt to keep pace with ever changing reality.

And the work is voodoo, full of essentially bad software practices and contentious statistical arguments and unstable code changes.

Large scale success with ML is about as far from "the change is trivial in computer code" as it is possible to be in the field of computer science.

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I thought about this specifically when reading that we could spend quadrillions of dollars to create a supercomputer capable of making a single human level AI.

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To be fair, once made that AI could be run on many different computers (which would each be far less expensive), whereas we don't have a copy-paste function for people.

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But more importantly, that way of thinking is wrong (edit: I mean the quadrillion dollars thing) and I predict humanity is about to reduce per-model training budgets at the high end. Though wealthy groups' budgets will jump temporarily whenever they suspect they might have invented AGI, or something with commercialization potential.

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By "reduce per-model training budgets", do you mean "reduce how much we're willing to spend" or "reduce how much we need to spend"?

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I mean that a typical wealthy AI group will reduce the total amount it actually spends on models costing over ~$500,000 each, unless they suspect they might have invented AGI, or something with commercialization potential, and even in those cases they probably won't spend much more than before on a single model (but if they do, I'm pretty sure they won't get a superintelligent AGI out of it). (edit: raised threshold 100K=>500K. also, I guess the superjumbo model fad might have a year or two left in it, but I bet it'll blow over soon)

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The math and science are very difficult for me. So, I'm glad you are there to interpret it from a super layperson's perspective!

Could you point me to WHY AI scares you? I assume you've written about your fears.

Or should I remain blissfully ignorant?

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He has written about this before on his previous blog, but even more helpfully summarized the general concerns here https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/LTtNXM9shNM9AC2mp/superintelligence-faq

Consider especially parts 3.1.2 thru 4.2

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This is pretty out of date, but I guess it will do until/unless I write up something else.

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I obviously cannot speak to why AI scares Scott, but there are some theoretical and practical reasons to consider superhuman AI a highly-scary thing should it come into existence.


Many natural dangers that threaten humans do not threaten humanity, because humanity is widely dispersed and highly adaptive. Yellowstone going off or another Chicxulub impactor striking the Earth would be bad, but these are not serious X-risks because humanity inhabits six continents (protecting us from local effects), has last-resort bunkers in many places (enabling resilience against temporary effects) and can adapt its plans (e.g. farming with crops bred for colder/warmer climates).

These measures don't work, however, against other intelligent creatures; there is no foolproof plan to defeat an opponent with similar-or-greater intelligence and similar-or-greater resources. For the last hundred thousand years or so, this category has been empty save for other humans and as such humanity's survival has not been threatened (the Nazis were an existential threat to Jews, but they were not an existential threat to humanity because they themselves were human). AGI, however, is by definition an intelligent agent that is not human, which makes human extinction plausible (other "force majeure" X-risks include alien attack and divine intervention).

Additionally, many X-risks can be empirically determined to be incredibly unlikely by examining history and prehistory. An impact of the scale of that which created Luna would still be enough to kill off humanity, but we can observe that these don't happen often and there is no particular reason for the chance to increase right now. This one even applies to alien attack and divine intervention, since presumably these entities would have had the ability to destroy us since prehistory and have reliably chosen not to (as Scott pointed out in Don't Fear the Filter back on SSC, if you think humans are newly a threat to interstellar aliens or to God, you are underestimating interstellar aliens and God). But it doesn't apply to AI - or at least, not to human-generated AI (alien-built AI is not much different from aliens in this analysis). Humans haven't built (human-level or superhuman) AI before, so we don't have a track record of safety.

So the two basic heuristics that rule most things out as likely X-risks don't work on AI. This doesn't prove that AI *will* wipe out humanity, but it's certainly worrying.


- AI centralises power (particularly when combined with robotics). Joe Biden can't kill all African-Americans (even if he wanted to, which he presumably does not), because he can't kill them all himself and if he told other people to do it they'd stop listening to him. Kim Jong-un can kill a lot of his people, because the norms are more permissive to him doing so, but he still can't literally depopulate North Korea because he still needs other people to follow his orders and most won't follow obviously-self-destructive orders. But if Joe Biden or Kim Jong-un had a robot military, they could do it. No monarch has ever had the kind of power over their nation that an AI-controlled robot army can give. Some people can be trusted with that kind of power; most can't.

- Neural-net architecture is very difficult to interrogate. It's hard enough to tell if explicit code is evil or not, but neural nets are almost completely opaque - the whole point is that they work without us needing to know *how* they work. Humans can read each other reasonably well despite this because evolution has trained us quite specifically to read other humans; that training is at best useless and at worst counterproductive when trying to read a potentially-deceptive AI. So there's no way to know whether a neural-net AI can be trusted with power either; it's basically a matter of plug-and-pray (you could, of course, train an AI to interrogate other AIs, but the interrogating AI itself could be lying to you).

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Very helpful to my understanding why AI is a unique threat. Thanks for this. You explain it very well. Although now when i see video clips of kids in robot competitions, my admiration will be tinged with a touch of foreboding.

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Don't be tinged by that foreboding. If you read a bit about superintelligence it becomes clear that it's not going to come from any vector that's typically imagined (terminator or black mirror style robots).

There are plenty of ideas of more realistic ways an AGI escapes confinement and gains access to the real world, a couple of interesting ones I read were it solving the protein folding problem, paying or blackmailing someone over the intenet to mix the necessary chemicals, and it creates nanomachines capable of anything. Another was tricking a computer sciencist with a perfect woman on a VR headset.

In fact it probably won't be any of these things, after all, it's a super intelligence: whatever it creates to pursue its goals will be so beyond our understanding that it's meaningless to predict what it will do other than as a bit of fun or creative writing exercise.

Let me know if you want links to those stories/ideas, I should have them somewhere. Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom is good read, although quite heavy. I prefer Scott's stuff haha.

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The hypothetical "rogue superintelligent AGI with no resources is out to kill everyone, what does it do" might not be likely to go that way, but that's hardly the only possibility for "AI causes problems". Remote-control killer robots are already a thing (and quite an effective thing), militaries have large budgets, and plugging an AI into a swarm of killbots does seem like an obvious way to improve their coordination. PERIMETR/Dead Hand was also an actual thing for a while.

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The "killbots" can't load their own ordnance or even fill their own fuel tanks, which is going to put a limit on their capabilities.

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> solving the protein folding problem, paying or blackmailing someone over the intenet to mix the necessary chemicals, and it creates nanomachines capable of anything

Arguably the assumption that "nanomachines capable of anything" can even exist is a big one. After all, in the Smalley - Drexler debate Smalley was fundamentally right and drexlerian nanotech is not really compatible with known physics and chemistry

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Offering the opposite take: https://idlewords.com/talks/superintelligence.htm

(Note this essay is extremely unpopular around these parts, but also, fortunately, rationalists are kind enough to let it be linked!)

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1) I mean, yes, people get annoyed when you explain in as many words that you are strawmanning them in order to make people ignore them.

2) There are really two factions to the AI alarmists (NB: I don't intend negative connotations there, I just mean "people who are alarmed and want others to be alarmed") - the ones who want to "get there first and do it right" and the ones who want to shut down the whole field by force. You have something of a case against the former but haven't really devoted any time to the latter.

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Generally I think that the paradigm shifts argument is convincing, and so all this business of trying to estimate when we will have a certain number of FLOPS available is a bit like trying to estimate when fusion will become widely available by trying to estimate when we will have the technology to manufacture the magnets at scale.

However, I disagree with Eliezer that this implies shorter timelines than you get from raw FLOPS calculations - I think it implies longer ones, so would be happy to call the Cotra report's estimate a lower bound.

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>she says that DeepMind’s Starcraft engine has about as much inferential compute as a honeybee and seems about equally subjectively impressive. I have no idea what this means. Impressive at what? Winning multiplayer online games? Stinging people?


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Building hives

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You people are all great.

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It plays Zerg well and Terran for shit.

Protoss, you say? Everyone knows Protoss in SC2 just go air.

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Yes, you should care. The difference between 50% by 2030 and 50% by 2050 matters to most people, I think. In a lot of little ways. (And for some people in some big ways.)

For those trying to avert catastrophe, money isn't scarce, but researcher time/attention/priorities is. Even in my own special niche there are way too many projects to do and not enough time. I have to choose what to work on and credences about timelines make a difference. (Partly directly, and partly indirectly by influencing credences about takeoff speeds, what AI paradigm is likely to be the relevant one to try to align, etc.)

EDIT: Example of a "little" way: If my timelines went back up to 30 years, I'd have another child. If they had been at 10 years three years ago, I would currently be childless.

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Why does your child-having depend on your timelines? I'm considering a similar question now and was figuring that if bringing a child into the world is good, it will be half as good if the kid lives 5 years as if they live 10, but at no point does it become bad.

This would be different if I thought I had an important role in aligning AI that having a child would distract me from; maybe that's our crux?

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I myself am pro bringing in another person to fight the good fight. If it were me being brought in I would find it an honor, rather than damning. My crux is simply that I am too busy to rear more humans myself.

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FWIW I totally agree

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Psst… kids are awesome (for whatever points a random Internet guy adds to your metrics)

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I'm not sure it is rational / was rational. I probably shouldn't have mentioned it. Probably an objective, third-party analysis would either conclude that I should have kids in both cases or in neither case.

However the crux you mention is roughly right. The way I thought of it at the time was: If we have 30 years left then not only will they have a "full" life in some sense, but they may even be able to contribute to helping the world, and the amount of my time they'd take up would be relavitely less (and the benefits to my own fulfillment and so forth in the long run might even compensate) and also the probability of the world being OK is higher and there will be more total work making it be OK and so my lost productivity will matter much less...

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(Apologies if this is a painful topic. I'm a parent and genuinely curious about your thinking)

Would you put a probability on their likelihood of survival in 2050? (ie, are you truly operating from the standpoint that your children have a 40 or 50 percent chance of dying from GAI around 2050?)

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Yes, something like that. If I had Ajeya's timelines I wouldn't say "around 2050" I would say "by 2050." Instead I say 2030-ish. There are a few other quibbles I'd make as well but you get the gist.

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Thanks for answering.

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> money isn't scarce, but researcher time/attention/priorities is.

I don't get the "MIRI isn't bottlenecked by money" perspective. Isn't there a well-established way to turn money into smart-person-hours by paying smart people very high salaries to do stuff?

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My limited understanding is: It works in some domains but not others. If you have an easy-to-measure metric, you can pay people to make the metric go up, and this takes very little of your time. However, if what you care about is hard to measure / takes lots of time for you to measure (you have to read their report and fact-check it, for example, and listen to their arguments for why it matters) then it takes up a substantial amount of your time, and that's if they are just contractors who you don't owe anything more than the minimum to.

I think another part of it is that people just aren't that motivated by money, amazingly. Consider: If the prospect of getting paid a six-figure salary to solve technical alignment problems worked to motivate lots of smart people to solve technical alignment problems... why hasn't that happened already? Why don't we get lots of applicants from people being like 'Yeah I don't really care about this stuff I think it's all sci-fi but check out this proof I just built, it extends MIRI's work on logical inductors in a way they'll find useful, gimme a job pls." I haven't heard of anything like that ever happening. (I mean, I guess the more realistic case of this is someone who deep down doesn't really care but on the exterior says they do. This does happen sometimes in my experience. But not very much, not yet, and also the kind of work these kind of people produce tends to be pretty mediocre.)

Another part of it might be that the usefulness of research (and also manager/CEO stuff?) is heavy-tailed. The best people are 100x more productive than the 95th percentile people who are 10x more productive than the 90th percentile people who are 10x more productive than the 85th percentile people who are 10x more productive than the 80th percentile people who are infinitely more productive than the 75th percentile people who are infinitely more productive than the 70th percentile people who are worse than useless. Or something like that.

Anyhow it's a mystery to me too and I'd like to learn more about it. The phenomenon is definitely real but I don't really understand the underlying causes.

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> Consider: If the prospect of getting paid a six-figure salary to solve technical alignment problems worked to motivate lots of smart people to solve technical alignment problems... why hasn't that happened already?

I mean, does MIRI have loads of open, well-paid research positions? This is the first I'm hearing of it. Why doesn't MIRI have an army of recruiters trolling LinkedIn every day for AI/ML talent the way that Facebook and Amazon do?

Looking at MIRI's website it doesn't look like they're trying very hard to hire people. It explicitly says "we're doing less hiring than in recent years". Clicking through to one of the two available job ads ( https://intelligence.org/careers/research-fellow/ ) it has a section entitled "Our recommended path to becoming a MIRI research fellow" which seems to imply that the only way to get considered for a MIRI research fellow position is to hang around doing a lot of MIRI-type stuff for free before even being considered.

None of this sounds like the activities of an organisation that has a massive pile of funding that it's desperate to turn into useful research.

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I can assure you that MIRI has a massive pile of funding and is desperate for more useful research. (Maybe you don't believe me? Maybe you think they are just being irrational, and should totally do the obvious thing of recruiting on LinkedIn? I'm told OpenPhil actually tried something like that a few years ago and the experiment was a failure. I don't know but I'd guess that MIRI has tried similar things. IIRC they paid high-caliber academics in relevant fields to engage with them at one point.)

Again, it's a mystery to me why it is, but I'm pretty sure that it is.

Some more evidence that it's true:

--Tiny startups beating giant entrenched corporations should NEVER happen if this phenomenon isn't real. Giant entrenched corporations have way more money and are willing to throw it around to improve their tech. Sure maybe any particular corporation might be incompetent/irrational, but it's implausible that all the major corporations in the world would be irrational/incompetent at the same time so that a tiny startup could beat them all.

--Similar things can be said about e.g. failed attempts by various governments to make various cities the "new silicon valley" etc.

Maybe part of the story is that research topics/questions are heavy-tailed-distributed in importance. One good paper on a very important question is more valuable than ten great papers on a moderately important question.

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> I can assure you that MIRI has a massive pile of funding and is desperate for more useful research. (Maybe you don't believe me? Maybe you think they are just being irrational

Maybe they're not being irrational, they're just bad at recruiting. That's fine, that's what professional recruiters are for. They should hire some.

If MIRI wants more applicants for its research fellow positions it's going to have to do better than https://intelligence.org/careers/research-fellow/ because that seems less like a genuine job ad and more like an attempt to get naive young fanboys to work for free in the hopes of maybe one day landing a job.

Why on Earth would an organisation that is serious about recruitment tell people "Before applying for a fellowship, you’ll need to have attended at least one research workshop"? You're competing for the kind of people who can easily walk into a $500K+ job at any FAANG, why are you making them jump through hoops?

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MIRI doesn't want people who can walk into a FAANG job, they want people who can conduct pre-paradigmatic research. "Math PhD student or postdoc" would be a more accurate desired background than "FAANG software engineer" (or even "FAANG ML engineer"), but still doesn't capture the fact that most math PhDs don't quite fit the bill either.

If you think professional recruiters, who can't reliably distinguish good from bad among the much more commoditized "FAANG software engineer" profile, will be able to find promising candidates for conducting novel AI research - well, I don't want to say it's impossible. But the problem is doing that in a way that isn't _enormously costly_ for people already in the field; there's no point in hiring recruiters if you're going to spend more time filtering out bad candidates than if you'd just gone looking yourself (or not even bothered and let high-intent candidates find you).

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Holy shit. That's not a job posting. That's instructions for joining a cult. Or a MLM scam.

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I think there is an interesting question about how one moves fields into this area. I imagine that having people who are intelligent but with a slightly different outlook would be useful. Being mentored while you get up to speed and write your first paper or two is important I think. I'm really not sure how I would move into a paid position for example without basically doing an unpaid and isolated job in my spare time for a considerable amount of time first.

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For what it is worth, I agree completely with Melvin on this point - the job advert pattern matches to a scam job offer to me and certainly does not pattern match to any sort of job I would seriously consider taking. Apologies to be blunt, but you write "it's a mystery to me why it is", so I'm trying to offer an outside perspective that might be helpful.

It is not normal to have job candidates attend a workshop before applying for a job in prestigious roles, but it is very normal to have candidates attend a 'workshop' before pitching them an MLM or timeshare. It is even more concerning that details about these workshops are pretty thin on the ground. Do candidates pay to attend? If so this pattern matches advanced fee scams. Even if they don't pay to attend, do they pay flights and airfare? If so MIRI have effectively managed to limit their hire pool to people who live within commuting distance of their offices or people who are going to work for them anyway and don't care about the cost.

Furthermore, there's absolutely no indication how I might go about attending one of these workshops - I spent about ten minutes trying to google details (which is ten minutes longer than I have to spend to find a complete list of all ML engineering roles at Google / Facebook), and the best I could find was a list of historic workshops (last one in 2018) and a button saying I should contact MIRI to get in touch if I wanted to attend one. Obviously I can't hold the pandemic against MIRI not holding in-person meetups (although does this mean they deliberately ceased recruitment during the pandemic?), and it looks like maybe there is a thing called an 'AI Risk for Computer Scientists' workshop which is maybe the same thing (?) but my best guess is that the next workshop - which is a prerequisite for me applying for the job - is an unknown date no more than six months into the future. So if I want to contribute to the program, I need to defer all job offers for my extremely in-demand skillset for the *opportunity* to apply following a workshop I am simply inferring the existence of.

The next suggested requirement indicates that you also need to attend 'several' meetups of the nearest MIRIx group to you. Notwithstanding that 'do unpaid work' is a huge red flag for potential job applicants, I wonder if MIRI have seriously thought about the logistics of this. I live in the UK where we are extremely fortunate to have two meetup groups, both of which are located in cities with major universities. If you don't live in one of those cities (or, heaven forbid, are French / German / Spanish / any of the myriad of other nationalities which don't have a meetup anything less than a flight away) then you're pretty much completely out of luck in terms of getting involved with MIRI. From what I can see, the nearest meetup to Terrence Tao's offices in UCLA is six hours away by car. If your hiring strategy for highly intelligent mathematical researchers excludes Terrence Tao by design, you have a bad hiring strategy.

The final point in the 'recommended path' is that you should publish interesting and novel points on the MIRI forums. Again, high quality jobs do not ask for unpaid work before the interview stage; novel insights are what you pay for when you hire someone.

So to answer your question - yes there are many subtle and interesting factors as to why top companies cannot attract leading talent despite paying a lot of money to that talent and paying a lot of money to develop meta-knowledge about how to attract talent. However just because top companies struggle to attract talent and MIRI struggles to attract talent doesn't mean MIRI is operating on the same productivity frontier as top tech companies. From the public-facing surface of MIRI's talent pipeline alone there is enough to answer the question of why they're struggling to match funds to talent, and I don't doubt that a recruitment consultant going under the hood could find many more areas for concern in the talent pipeline.

Why *shouldn't* MIRI try doing the very obvious thing and retaining a specialist recruitment firm to headhunt talent for them, pay that talent a lot of money to come and work for them, and then see if the approach works? A retained executive search might cost perhaps $50,000 per hire at the upper end, perhaps call it $100,000 because you indicate there may be a problem with inappropriate CVs making it through anything less than a gold-plated search. This is a rounding error when you're talking about $2bn unmatched funding. I don't see why this approach is too ridiculous even to consider, and instead the best available solution is to have a really unprofessional hiring pipeline directly off the MIRI website

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I believe the reason they aren't selecting people is simply that MIRI is run by deeply neurotic people who cannot actually accept any answer as good enough, and thus are sitting on large piles of money they insist they want to give people only to refuse them in all cases. Once you have done your free demonstration work, you are simply told that, sorry, you didn't turn out to be smarter than every other human being to ever live by a minimum of two orders of magnitude and thus aren't qualified for the position.

Perhaps they should get into eugenics and try breeding for the Kwisatz Haderach.

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Although your take is deeply uncharitable, I think the basis of your critique is true and stems from a different problem. Nobody knows how to create a human level intelligence, so how could you create safety measures based on how such an intelligence would work? They don't know. So they need to hire people to help them figure that out, which makes sense. But since they don't know, even at an introductory level, they cannot actually evaluate the qualifications of applicants. Hiring a search firm would result in the search firm telling MIRI that MIRI doesn't know what it needs. You'd have to hire a firm that knows what MIRI needs, probably by understanding AI better than they do, in order to help MIRI get what it needs. Because that defeats the purpose of MIRI, they spin their wheels and struggle to hire people.

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They're going to have a problem with the KH-risk people.

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> However, if what you care about is hard to measure / takes lots of time for you to measure then it takes up a substantial amount of your time.

One solution here would be to ask people to generate a bunch of alignment research, then randomly sample a small subset of that research and subject it to costly review, then reward those people in proportion to the quality of the spot-checked research.

But that might not even be necessary. Intuitively, I expect that gathering really talented people and telling them to do stuff related to X isn't that bad of a mechanism for getting X done. The Manhattan Project springs to mind. Bell Labs spawned an enormous amount of technical progress by collecting the best people and letting them do research. I think the hard part is gathering the best people, not putting them to work.

> If the prospect of getting paid a six-figure salary to solve technical alignment problems worked to motivate lots of smart people to solve technical alignment problems... why hasn't that happened already?

Because the really smart and conscientious people are already making six figures. In private correspondence with a big LessWrong user (>10k karma), they told me that the programmers they knew that browsed LW were all very good programmers, and that the _worst_ programmer that they knew that read LW worked as a software engineer at Microsoft. If we equate "LW readers" with "people who know about MIRI", then virtually all the programmers who know about MIRI are already easily clearing six figures. You're right that the usefulness of researchers is heavy-tailed. If you want that 99.99th percentile guy, you need to offer him a salary competitive with those of FAANG companies.

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If you equate "people who know about MIRI" with "LW readers", then maybe put some money and effort into MIRI more widely known. Hopefully in a positive way, of course.

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You probably know more about the details of what has or has not been tried than I do, but if this is the situation we really should be offering like $10 million cash prizes no questions asked for research that Eliezer or Paul or whoever says moves the ball on alignment. I guess some recently announced prizes are moving us in this direction, but the amount of money should be larger, I think. We have tons of money, right?

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They (MIRI in particular) also have a thing about secrecy. Supposedly much of the potentially useful research not only shouldn't be public, even hinting that this direction might be fruitful is dangerous if the wrong people hear about it. It's obviously very easy to interpret this uncharitably in multiple ways, but they sure seem serious about it, for better or worse (or indifferent).

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This whole thread has convinced me that MIRI is probably the biggest detriment in the world for AI alignment research, by soaking up so much of the available funding and using it so terribly.

The world desperately needs a MIRI equivalent that is competently run. And which absolutely never ever lets Eleizer Yudkowsky anywhere near it.

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My take is increasingly that this institution has succeeded in isolating itself for poorly motivated reasons (what if AI researchers suspected our ideas about how to build AGI and did them "too soon"?) and seems pretty explicitly dedicated to developing thought-control tech compatible with some of the worst imaginable futures for conscious subjects (think dual use applications -- if you can control the thoughts of your subject intelligence with this kind of precision, what else can you control?).

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It hasn't "soaked up so much of the available funding." Other institutions in this space have much more funding, and in general are also soaking in cash.

(I disagree with your other claims too of course but don't have the energy or time to argue.)

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Give Terrence Tao 500 000$ to work on AI alignement six months a year, letting him free to research crazy Navier-Stokes/Halting problem links the rest of his time... If money really isn't a problem, this kind of thing should be easy to do.

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Literally that idea has been proposed multiple times before that I know of, and probably many more times many years ago before I was around.

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> a six-figure salary to solve technical alignment problems

Wait, what? If I knew that I might've signed the f**k up! I don't have experience in AI, but still! Who's offering six figures?

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Every time I am confused about MIRI's apparent failures to be an effective research institution I notice that the "MIRI is a social club for a particular kind of nerd" model makes accurate predictions.

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You could pay me to solve product search ranking problems, even though I find the end result distasteful. In fact, if you bought stuff online, maybe you did pay me!

You couldn't pay me to work on alignment. I'm just not aligned. Many people aren't.

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Fighting over made up numbers seems so futile.

But I don't understand this anyway.

Why do the dangers posed by AI need a full/transformative AI to exist? My total layman's understanding of these fears is that y'all are worried an AI will be capable of interfering with life to an extent people cannot stop. It's irrelevant if the AI "chooses" to interfere or there's some programming error, correct? So the question is not, "when will transformative AI exist?" the question is only, "when will computer bugs be in a position to be catastrophic enough to kill a bunch of people?" or, "when will programs that can program better than humans be left in charge of things without proper oversight or with oversight that is incapable of stopping these programming programs?"

Not that these questions are necessarily easier to predict.

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A dumber-than-human level AI that (let's say) runs a power plant and has a bug can cause the power plant to explode. After that we will fix the power plan, and either debug the AI or stop using AIs to run power plants.

A smarter-than-human AI that "has a bug" in the sense of being unaligned with human values can fight our attempts to turn it off and actively work to destroy us in ways we might not be able to stop.

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But if we are not worried about the bugs in the e.g. global water quality managing program, then an AI as smart as a human is not such a big deal either. There are plenty of smart criminals out who are unaligned with human values and even the worst haven't managed to wipe out humanity. We need to have an AI smarter than the whole group of AI police before seriously worrying, so maybe we need to multiply our made up number by 1,000?

But to illustrate the bug/AI question. Let's imagine Armybot, a strategy planning simulation program in 2022. And lets say there's a bug and Armybot, which is hooked up to the nuclear command system for proper simulations, runs a simulation IRL and lets off all those nukes. That's an extinction level bug that could happen right now if we were dumb enough.

Now lets imagine Armybot is the same program in 2050 and now it's an AI with the processing power equivalent to the population of a small country. Now the fear is Armybot's desire/bug to nuke the world kicks in (idk why it becomes capable of making independent decisions or having wants just because of more processing power so I'm more comfortable saying there's a bug). But now it can independently connect itself to the nuclear command center with its amazing hacking skills (that it taught itself? that we installed?). That's an extinction level bug too.

So the question is, which bug is more likely?

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The general intuition, I believe, is that an AI as smart as a human can quickly become way way smarter than a human, because humans are really hard to improve (evolution has done its best to drill a hole through the gene-performance landscape to where we are, but it's only gotten more stuck over the aeons) and AI tends to be really easy to improve: just throw more cores at it.

If you could stick 10 humans of equal intelligence in a room and get the performance of one human that's 10 iq points smarter than that, then the world would look pretty different. Also we can't sign up for more brain on AWS.

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My intuition is that "Just throw more cores at it" is no more likely to improve an AI's intelligence than opening up my skull and chucking in a bunch more brain tissue.

I think you'd have to throw more cores at it _and then_ go through a lengthy process of re-training, which would probably cost another hundred billion dollars of compute time.

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It's even worse (or better, I guess, depending on your viewpoint) than that, because cores don't scale linearly; there's a reason why Amazon has a separate data center in every region, and why your CPU and GPU are separate units. Actually it's even worse than that, because even with all those cores, no one knows what "a lengthy process of re-training" to create an AGI would look like, or whether it's even possible without some completely unprecedented advances in computer science.

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I think we can safely assume that it is going to be vastly easier than making a smarter human, at least given our political constraints. (Iterated embryo selection etc.) It doesn't matter how objectively hard it is, just who has the advantage, and by how much. Also I think saying we need fundamental advances in CS to train a larger AI given a smaller AI, misses first the already existing distillation research, and second assumes that the AGI was a one in a hundred stroke of good luck that cannot be reproduced. Which seems unlikely to me.

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A hundred billion dollars of compute time for training is a fairly enlightening number because it's simultaneously an absurd amount of compute, barely comparable to even the most extravagant training runs we have today, enough to buy multiple cutting edge fabs and therefore all of their produced wafers, while also being an absolutely trivial cost to be willing to pay if you already have AGI and are looking to improve it to ASI. Heck, we've spent half that much just on our current misguided moon mission that primarily exists for political reasons that have nothing to do with trying to go to the moon.

That said, throwing more cores at an AI is by no means necessary, nor even the most relevant way an AI could self-improve, nor actually do we even need to first get AGI before self-improvement becomes a threat. For example, we already have systems that can do pick-and-place for hardware routing better than humans, we don't need AGI to do reinforcement learning, and there are ways in which an AI system could be trained to be more scalable when deployed than humans have evolved to be.

A fairly intelligent AI system finely enough divided to search over the whole of the machine learning literature and collaboratively try out swathes of techniques on a large cluster would not have to be smarter than a human in each individual piece to be more productive at fast research than the rest of humanity. Similarly, it's fairly easy to build AI systems that have an intrinsic ability to understand very high fidelity information that is hard to convey to humans, like AI systems that can look at weights and activations of a neural network and tell you things about its function. It's not hard to imagine that as AI approaches closer to human levels of general reasoning ability, we might be able to build a system that recursively looks at its own weights and activations and optimises them directly in a fine tuned way that is impossible to do with more finite and indivisible human labor. You can also consider systems that scale in ways similar to AlphaZero; again, as these systems approach having roughly human level general reasoning ability in their individual components, the ability for the combined system to be able to reason over vastly larger conceptual spaces in a much less lossy way that has been specifically trained end-to-end for this purpose might greatly exceed what humans can do.

I think people often have a misconception where they consider intelligence to exist purely on a unidimensional line which takes exponential difficulty to progress along. Neither of these are true, it is entirely on trend for AI to have exploitable superiorities as important as its deficiencies, and for progress to speed up rather than slow down as its set of capabilities approaches human equivalence—Feynman exists on the same continuum as everybody else, so there doesn't seem to be a good reason to expect humanity exists at a particularly difficult place for evolution to further improve intelligence. Even if human intelligence did end up being precisely a soft cap to the types of machines we could make, being able to put a large and scalable number of the smartest minds together in a room on demand far exceeds the intellectual might we can pump out of humanity otherwise.

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There will be 0 or a few AI's given access to nukes. And hopefully only well tested AI.

If the AI is smart, especially if its smarter than most humans, and it wants to take over the world and destroy all humans, its likely to succeed. If you aren't stupid, you won't wire a buggy AI to nukes with no safeguards. But if the AI is smart, its actively trying to circumvent any safeguard. And whether nukes already exist is less important. It can trick humans into making bioweapons.

"idk why it becomes capable of making independent decisions or having wants just because of more processing power so I'm more comfortable saying there's a bug". Current AI sometimes kind of have wants, like wanting to win at chess, or at least reliably selecting good chess moves.

We already have robot arms programmed to "want" to pick things up. (Or at least search for plans to pick things up.) The difference is that currently our search isn't powerful enough to find plans involving breaking out, taking over the world and making endless robot arms to pick up everything forever.

Defence against a smart adversary is much much harder than defence against random bugs.

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> an AI as smart as a human

Scott said "smarter-than-human" (perhaps he means "dramatically smarter"), and I argue downthread that there will never be an AI "as smart as" a human.

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I'm unconvinced by AI X-risk in general, but I think I can answer this one: bugs are random. Intelligences are directed. A bad person is more dangerous than a bug at similar levels of resources and control.

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No, it can't, because merely being able to compute things faster than a human does not automatically endow the AI with nigh-magical powers -- and most of the magical powers attributed to putative superhuman AIs, from verbal mind control to nanotechnology to, would appear to be physically impossible.

Don't get me wrong, a buggy AI could still mess up a lot of power plants; but that's a quantitative increase in risk, not a qualitative one.

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An AI doesn't need magical powers to be a huge, even existential threat. It just needs to be really good at hacking and can use the usual human foibles as leverage to get nearly anything it wants: money and blackmail.

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Human hackers do that today all the time, with varying degrees of success. They are dangerous, yes, but not an existential threat. If you are proposing that an AI would be able to hack everything everywhere at the same time, then we're back in the magical powers territory.

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