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Hi all! Innovate Animal Ag (recent ACX grantee) is currently hiring two roles: Business Generalist and Head of Marketing and Communications.

We're a nonprofit think tank that's trying to bring a techno-optimist mindset to farm animal welfare. We publish research on cutting edge technologies in animal agriculture that can directly help animals, then work collaboratively with farmers and agribusiness to develop and implement these technologies. Our first focus area has been bringing in-ovo sexing into the US, to stop the culling of hundreds of millions of male chicks each year. Directly because of our work, the first US egg producer recently announced in the New York Times they would begin using the technology in 2025. We're are now looking for entrepreneurially minded people who are passionate about helping animals and excited about building a new organization so we can scale our work to other technologies and contexts. More info on our careers page: innovateanimalag.org/careers

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Carina Initiatives, a foundation focused on building better math talent systems, is looking to hire an Entrepreneur In Residence who will build the vision and start an organization that will launch dozens of Math & AI focused camps across the country for thousands of mathematically talented high schoolers and middle schoolers.


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I'm seeking remote work in academic editing, fellowship applications, research assistantships, or anything people might suggest fit my profile. I trained as an architect in the US before pursuing multiple academic fellowships and graduate study in art and architectural history in Europe and China. I am currently finishing a second MA on my way to a PhD in art history. I am looking for part-time remote work or internships related to the digital humanities, art history (and the art world more broadly) and architecture. I am also happy to take on freelance work as an academic editor and proofreader; I have particular experience in editing for non-native English speakers. Open to suggestions from ACX readers as well for making use of the skills (drafting, design, 3D modeling and rendering, structural engineering) I developed to become an architect alongside research/writing skills cultivated pursuing postgrad humanities degrees!

Please email: mrzepczy@gmail.com

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19

I'm seeking employment as a data scientist / data analyst. I have several years of experience in Software Development including machine learning projects. I have a masters in analytics, several relevant projects, and a deep knowledge of programming practices, math and stats, and modern ML / AI design. Ideally remote, but anywhere in US will be considered. If you know anyone who needs someone like me please let me know! The swap from software to data has been tough...

Please email cynthia.dipaula@gmail.com

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Apr 17·edited Apr 18

My Canadian company will be hiring a developer very soon (in short: Calgary/remote; TypeScript+React; C#+ASP.NET+EFCore; Dart+Flutter). Since (at the moment) I'm the only full-time developer there, we're looking for ways to hire without killing my productivity for two months of hiring and onboarding!

I have an unusual idea. In 2021, I built like 85-90% of the "Minimum Viable Product" for SyncLib[1], my open-source serialization system. But my workload increased permanently and the CEO won't spend anything on open source software, so it's been sitting there unfinished for the last 2½ years. If you know C# and you like open-source software, I'd like to personally hire you out-of-pocket, immediately, at slightly above minimum wage ($15/hr), to help me complete it. If we get along (and you're an ACX reader so probably yes?) I'll recommend you for a job at the company.

You should only do this if you want to make the world a better place via FOSS, because I can't guarantee the CEO will make a good $$$ offer (edit: but I can't see any way he doesn't make an offer, and the last two people I recommended did get offers). In fact, please reach out[3] even if my company doesn't interest you! It's a water management business for upstream oil & gas, so I'm the first to admit it's not the most impactful job you could get.

[1] Details of the concept here: https://github.com/qwertie/ecsharp/blob/loyc.synclib/Core/Tests/SyncLib/HomePageCalendarExample.cs

[2] My company: https://www.barreleyesoftware.com/

[3] Reply here, or find my contact info on http://david.loyc.net at the bottom

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

I'm a freelance writer and editor looking for more work, and/or connections to a full-time editing job. I have a ton of experience copy editing and line editing, and can also assess writing at a higher level and make suggestions for restructuring, cutting, etc. In addition to editing for several well-known publications, I've written and edited web copy, presentations, and annual reports, and I've copy edited theses and articles for academics (including some for whom English was not a first language). I also spent several years as an editor, then comms writer for GiveWell, and although I'm not looking to get back into the EA sphere full time, I'd potentially be interested in helping with an EA-related project or publication. You can read more and contact me on my LinkedIn profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miranda-kaplan/. Thanks!

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I'm looking for software or operations roles at small/medium sized startups, preferably mission driven places, preferably at least partially in person in the bay area. I trained as a scientist but after my PhD decided to move to the private sector, and have been at a biggish startup for a little over a year since. I've loved my time here but we aren't doing too hot and I'm starting to ponder what's next, would love to chat with interesting places.

I mostly self-taught programming for science and then have been doing a mix of operations and informal software engineering at work. I really just enjoy solving impactful problems, and am pretty tool-agnostic, and I like slotting into different roles as need shift.

Would love to chat more (and happy to share my actual identity privately), reach me at cubecumbered@gmail.com.

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New Public is hiring a software engineer to work with me on the Public Service Incubator project. This is a collaboration with a group of Public Service Media orgs across Europe and North America to create a publicly-owned, public-interest online platform that naturally encourages people with different viewpoints to understand each other and work together.

Creating a new platform is super hard (network effects and all that) but our partners have enough credibility to make this a high status place, and the ability to direct the attention of millions of people, so we think we have a decent shot.

We've built a prototype that people are pretty excited about, and now it's time to turn it into something real.

We are particularly interested in people with experience shipping social products, an ability to work anywhere in the stack, and a deep interest in finding ways to help people who see the world differently understand each other and engage in productive conversation.

Apply here: https://newpublic.org/jobs/software-engineer-psi

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Thanks for posting—just applied!

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I have over two decades experience in software engineering at senior level (including architecture and such) -- primarily in Java with a very strong focus on backend stuff.

I'm looking for a remote job (been working fully remotely for 12+ years). I live in Canada, but if absolutely necessary for work (e.g. has to be done on US soil for whatever reason) will consider commuting to US (Maine) -- I should be able to get TN Visa for that (no sponsorship required).

My primary strength is designing and implementing extremely reliable solutions for complex problems -- a couple of examples would be realtime reporting data collection from hundreds of servers (online advertisement-related project, ClickHouse used as DWH) and reliable & auditable payment subsystem implementation.

My Linkedin has more information: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sergey-olefir-343136/ (including reference to my open-source code).

You can reach me at abc876xyz at a well-known g-mail thingy (or via Linkedin)

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I've gotten two jobs from ACX so far: let's make it a third!

I'm an early-career software engineer (3 years' experience) looking for my next role. At my last job, I improved overall reliability for ~100 ETL jobs from "multiple crashes daily" to "runs for weeks without a hitch."

My ideal job would be doing backend work using Python and SQL. I've worked with other languages, including Clojure, and I'm ready and willing to learn new things: in a past life I was a Mandarin translator. I'm currently living near Santa Cruz, CA, but I'm open to relocation (in California or elsewhere.)

Thanks for reading. Please email contact.canyon.fern@gmail.com for a resume or to discuss further.

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Hi Everyone, I’m looking for help on a few miscellaneous projects related to the ACX Grant funded Assurance Contract project (https://manifund.org/projects/an-online-platfo), Spartacus.app. Things are going well but we’re 2 people primarily focused on designing and building and need more division of labor to accelerate the rate of progress.

We’re open to structuring work as ad-hoc consulting, freelance or internship, depending on the scope and labor requirements.

Grant Research:

We want to find out what other grants we might be eligible for, now or in the future.  We need help researching and indexing grant-giving organizations whose mission statements and funding priorities encompass the kind of social impact project Spartacus represents.

Accelerator Research:

We’re also preparing to apply to the next YC cohort. But there are many programs beyond the YCs of the world that we may nonetheless be a good fit for. Under our current time constraints, I don’t have the bandwidth to be as thorough with research and applications as I'd like. We could use some immediate help identifying and preparing applications for other suitable options.

Social Media Signal Boosting:

Right now, Spartacus doesn’t have a strong social media presence, and neither of us principal project leads have the online clout to generate meaningful engagement in relevant communities on our own.  While I intend to be much more active in cultivating a public persona, it takes time, effort and consistency, and we could use a boost from someone with experience in this area. We need consulting and/or ongoing assistance with posting content, engaging with high-profile accounts, and becoming a known quantity in certain online communities and groups so that when the time comes to launch the MVP, we can leverage that visibility to create a large spike of interest and activity.


We need to contact and schedule meetings with many dozens of potential early adopters and beta testers. I’ll be doing most of this work, but it would be foolish not to augment my efforts. We’ll be reaching out via LinkedIn, X, Instagram…any and all means to contact folks who match our ideal user profiles to generate a healthy waitlist for the MVP.

Website Revisions:

The current site at Spartacus.app has served our purposes as an introduction to the concept and a place to host the Airtable proof of concept. We’ll need a more comprehensive site in preparation for the web app launch. We can do this work ourselves, but we would be open to outsourcing.  


It's not a near-term priority, but we’ll need help with SEO to capture inbound interest from search inquiries into the use cases we’re targeting.

Discovery Interviews:

We want to hear from anyone with thoughts on coordination problems they care about. These can range from trivial group decision-making paradoxes to moonshot global-scale problems. We also want to engage with skeptics sensitive to edge-case failure modes or problem areas to which we may not be giving sufficient attention.


Check out our latest progress report here: https://open.substack.com/pub/spartacusapp/p/march-2024-status-report?r=131rx&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

Connect with and message me on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanbraunstein1/

Or email me at Jordan @ spartacus.app

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I am looking for collaborators for my AI research project.

Metta AI is an open-source research project investigating the emergence of cooperation and alignment in multi-agent AI systems. By creating a model organism for complex multi-agent gridworld environments, the project aims to study the impact of social dynamics, such as kinship and mate selection, on learning and cooperative behaviors of AI agents.

Metta AI explores the hypothesis that social dynamics, akin to love in biological systems, play a crucial role in the development of cooperative AGI and AI alignment. The project introduces a novel reward-sharing mechanism mimicking familial bonds and mate selection, allowing researchers to observe the evolution of complex social behaviors and cooperation among AI agents. By investigating this concept in a controlled multi-agent setting, the project seeks to contribute to the broader discussion on the path towards safe and beneficial AGI.

High-level talk on the ideas: https://foresight.org/summary/david-bloomin-metta-learning-love-is-all-you-need/

It's a new code base, and there are lots of exciting projects. Looking for software engineers who are either experienced with ML or want to learn ML/RL. Could also use help from game developers, data scientists, behavioral scientists, or anyone with enthusiasm and time.

We have some grant funding for cloud compute, but no budget for salaries.

GitHub: https://github.com/daveey/metta

Discord: https://discord.gg/mQzrgwqmwy

My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daveey/

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Fullest stack hardware-software engineer with a PhD. Looking for a good team more than any particular field, stack, market, or application. Currently writing software (backend Java). Previous experience includes race cars, Bahamas (sans crypto), atomic force microscopy, and some embedded systems. Figure it out, get it done attitude. Interests include ML, hard tech, boring business saas, urbanism, graphics, trains. Currently in Durham. Can relocate *anywhere* in a year.



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I'm an experienced engineer seeking a remote role with more responsibility. My resume is at https://t9productions.com/resume/, and https://www.linkedin.com/in/temujin9/details/recommendations/ has my references. If you're open to discussing further, email me at the address on my resume, or grab a slot on https://calendly.com/calendly-com-wfa/30min.

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I'm a data scientist with a background (phd) in operations research and 6 years of early startup experience (IC => team lead => software + data science manager, customer facing). I'm looking for hands-on technical work in the Boston area at a company / group with a meaningful mission, e.g. reducing pandemic risk, developing therapeutics, robotics, clean energy, etc.

Resume which contains contact info: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wevhopcf81vx6vdoarn5a/efields_2024.pdf?rlkey=hcs8ae8jw7uswrzmgsca781lk&dl=0

Personal website: evanfields.net

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I'm interested in hiring anybody who can get me paying subscribers subscribers, intelligent YouTube viewers, or other means of furthering my attempt to reach mankind.

I'll be linking to my YouTube/Substack in the appropriate section for that and don't want to overdo it, but you can find my Substack by clicking on my avatar right here and you can find my YouTube and other offerings by googling YDYDY.

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I perused your substack, and found some anti-semitic content pretty quickly. For that reason, I'm not interested in engaging in any of your content. I would guess I'm not alone.

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It's mutual. My content is not interested in you. That said, if your name implies a German person born or living in Germany I actually appreciate your knee jerk response. Otherwise, it's pretty cringe.

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Can you give some examples of what you think is antisemitic content on his substack? Making claims like this without evidence makes it really hard to evaluate the claim.

For what it's worth I found things criticizing Israel, Jews, and Judaism, but from my outsider perspective it looked more like inelegant insider criticism than actual hating on Jews.

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Of course.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised to find a lack of normal reading comprehension on the internet, but it's disappointing to find it here.

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Did he pay you to write that? Because that is some textbook guerilla marketing right there.

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Hi, I mis-posted a comment for the silly man who accused me of being an antisemite (I am a Rabbi all of whose family suffered through the Holocaust).

I guess I'll forgo that response now and perhaps send him an appreciative tip as you advise.

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Extremely late but I decided this posting a late comment no one will see is a decent way to trial run my new date me doc.


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Also a bit late, but I'll be honest - I'm often late.

39f, open to partners of all genders, live in Australia (open to relocating), work as a health researcher. No doc sorry but I am eatnik on twitter (angsty) and instagram (cool), and these are the best way to contact me.

Looking for a primary/nesting partner and I want to have children. I want someone who is curious and intelligent and strong enough to spar with for our mutual growth. If we make each other laugh it'll work :)

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A bit late I guess but what the hell. I’m Mark; male, 33, straight, live in New York, potentially open to relocating, open to kids but not dead set on having them.

I’m a computational biologist, my main hobbies are reading and cycling, am pretty into what they call ‘high culture’ (classical music, art, literature). Unfortunately I’m very short (5’5). I don’t have a dating doc but do have a gmail: markrz504.

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I'm not in the market (happily monogamously married) but as a 5'10" woman married to a 5'4" man I wanted to reach out and say your height doesn't have to be a barrier. Anyone whose opinion matters won't / shouldn't give a shit about your height.

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Female, 34, San Jose. No doc, sorry. Monogamous; looking for a bright, interesting young man who is interested in marriage and children. I am someone who enjoys arguing (not quarreling), reading (fantasy, sci-fi, mysteries, and SSC), D&D, cooking, gardening, and music and dance (I mostly do historical dance, but waltz/contra/etc. are fun too!) If interested, please email rebeccaanne3 at gmail dot com.

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I'd post here if I hadn't given up hope years ago

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Why not try anyway? It's a pretty low-cost measure.

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Robert / M / 31 / Berkeley

Straight, monogamous, want kids (in the next ~3 - 5 years), working on LessWrong.

tl;dr hobbies: ballroom dance, choir, tea, eating good food.

More detail in my dating doc, including ways to contact me: https://tinyurl.com/daterobert

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Male! Very old. currently stationed in Egypt. Game to meet up with anybody who reads Scott, but interested in dating chicks between 18 and half my age +7, which is 30. Not looking to settle down but would be overjoyed to meet someone so wonderful that I would. (Am I doing this right? Who cares! 🤣)

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Are you an American diplomat (?) posted to Egypt? As kindly as I can say this, it is terrible counterintelligence practice to post something publicly about how you're into really young women. Hadh sa3id ya 3iny

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So... you're *only* interested in women who are enough younger than you to be conventionally considered creepy?

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Male, 28, living in Cambridge UK but not geographically tied down long-term. https://manifoldlove.com/gregrosent

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Some years back I set up a dating discord as a splinter from the ACX discord, and it's been doing quite well, boasting a community of hundreds of people.

*A short intro*

The server started because of discussions on various discord servers (chiefly ACX), where a common topic was how to level up one's dating game (as an overly analytical nerdy type of person). The idea of the discord is for inexperienced people to get advice from more experienced people who have similar backgrounds and dispositions, but also to just share knowledge about how to improve one's chances while dating. Sharing experiences, stories, setbacks and wins is encouraged.

Invite link:


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38, AMAB, geographically unfixed and looking for a primary partner. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uk2uQohqeyhzqbZuwwVW_Zvt5ZrxUhK4Vll2G9Y_dyk/edit

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I'm curious what "cancellable" means, in the context of a dating doc. Someone who doesn't mind if you cancel plans now and then? Someone who supports cancel culture? Someone who doesn't take it personally if the relationship ends?

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Thank you for the question. If it is not obvious to you, then it needed to be clarified in the doc. I have therefor edited the doc.

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Yeah, that makes sense. I fit most of what you're looking for, (though I doubt anyone would call me driven). If you happen to land in Portland, OR... manifold.love/Anna. I would guess one of the characters is River Song, from Dr. Who, but can't think of another.

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Hi! I don't have a Date Me doc, but I do have a manifold.love page. (https://manifold.love/Aevylmar)

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

36, F, Bi, live in the Baltimore area and unfortunately can not relocate. Generally sunny, smart, creative, kind, and absent minded, hoping to have a kid or two (have frozen eggs for that purpose), INFP. Looking for either monogomy or a nesting partner if poly. Open to a wide range of people, as long as they value communication and helping each other grow. https://docs.google.com/document/d/10KFsRu8hQJOrW2xoBk0uZZe2lnnhXmxQCr1VQFOxuVE/edit#heading=h.hbs1py3f1aoq

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May I submit an application to be your friend, or are you only looking for romantic connection?

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Absolutely, friendship welcome!! Send me a message!

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You should date me! Male, 29, can relocate if you think I'm cute.


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Here's my dating doc, although of course the full complexity of my personality is not encompassed therein.


One dealbreaker I've realized over the years is that you have to be genuinely good at texting (this encompasses messaging other than text messages). I want someone I will want to talk to about anything and everything for the rest of my life, and one of the primary ways I talk to people is in messages. Plus it's just very handy for logistics.

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Not in your target market, but did want to appreciate your Raven cosplay - thumbs up, A+ work. Though now I'm left wondering if you were packing glass-tipped harpoons...

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Woman, 44, Seattle, no kids and most comfortable with someone who's either childfree or has older children (8 and up). I'm employed full-time, own a condo and a car, responsible and fair-minded. I am very much a grownup.

I'm terrific at picking out restaurants and media and love talking about both of them! Sour beers are the best (although I can't drink them often) and aside from a couple of quirks like an inexplicable hatred of pho, I have a broad, foodie-ish palate. I get equally excited about grimy taquerias and pristine white tablecloth gourmet seafood.

Some recent and current TV favorites are Succession, Blue Eye Samurai, Operation Lioness, Invincible, and Bluey, and I'm also enjoying Ted to a lesser degree. I just started Shogun and was so upset at the wild incompetence of 3 Body Problem that I wrote this (https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/open-thread-323/comment/52923990).

I bond deeply with loved ones, but between being rational-minded and most of my closest friends being men, I'm caring in a straightforward pragmatic way that tends to be more common in men than in women and can be disconcerting for people expecting stereotypical feminine displays of intense emotional expression. I'm exceedingly difficult to offend, very slow to anger, and quick to forgive, and I'm a huge fan of advice columns because it's more efficient to learn from other people's mistakes than one's own.

My main dating profile and some writing is on Fetlife under my username here minus the "Christina." Email is my username here at Gmail.

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I was so shocked by your dislike of pho that I clicked through to the stuff about some awful scifi show, and read the whole thread making that 'Matthew McConaughey Smoking meme' face the whole time. I detest television and movies generally, and it is somehow both satisfying and infuriating to watch people who love them viscerally hate one in particular.

Have you tried making variations of pho subtracting various ingredients until you find one you like? I live near Seattle and the last time I was there (a couple weeks ago) what I bought was pho.

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I tried about a dozen pho places around Seattle after every local who heard me say "Man, I hate pho, it's so overrated!" asserted that I just hadn't been to *their* place yet.

I eventually discovered that pho isn't as upsetting if the rice noodles are replaced with wheat ramen noodles, but there's still a kind of cloying sweetness to pho broth that I dislike.

So, basically replace pho broth with a soy, miso, or pork bone broth, replace the rice noodles with wheat noodles, replace the meatballs or shaved beef or whatever with char siu, replace the cilantro and herbs with nori, add a marinated jammy soft-boiled egg, and you now have the perfect pho except it's ramen.

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As a fellow Seattlite, I want to validate your feeling that pho is overrated. It's fine, but it's not for me, and that's okay!

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Ah, fascinating. I haven't thought about ramen in a long time, since the before-time when I didn't know as much about the metabolism. Yes, systematically replacing all of the ingredients in pho with broadly similar things that are high in linoleic-acid (or in one case, gluten) will absolutely result in a more palatable product. My former perplexity has been replaced with finding it odd that any Americans like pho at all.

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Hah - I was taking a comedically decisive position on pho v. ramen; I wasn't expecting any agreement.

And, like, I should say, I can totally eat pho!

I only "hate pho" because I resent it for not being much better. All of the travel shows and folk (Vietnamese and otherwise) who grew up with it *really* love it and I'm mad at pho for not being good enough to make me love it, too.

(FWIW, sushi was good enough to make me love it as an adult even though I didn't grow up with it. Szechuan, too. Etc.)

If it's relevant, I also really dislike bananas (but not plantains!), and cooked carrots (but not raw carrots!).

So it certainly seems to be something to do with certain kinds of "sweet" flavors.

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Are your internal qualia unusual in any way? Anything interesting going on with your hormones? PCOS for instance? Have you ever suspected you'd be diagnosed with ASD if you'd been born 30 years later?

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This is me and cous cous. It's something I *should* like as in theory it's the kind of thing I find acceptable, but every time I try it I go "Yuck, no".

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You sound like a great partner for someone! Best wishes on your quest!

(I’m happily married, but if I lived in Seattle, I think I could be your friend.)

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I'll throw my Date me Doc here: https://glimmer-cod-b43.notion.site/Date-Me-Jonathan-B-d08452adae1e46b49b6e075553c37015

I'm 38, based in NY, looking forward to raising kids with someone!

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-----------------------------READ MY BLOG-----------------------------------

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Weeks late and pretty far from the centroid for ACX, but I've just started documenting the weird industrial kinetic art I made: https://tossrock.substack.com/p/building-a-pneumatically-actuated

I'm going to continue that series, and also write about other art and fabrication projects I've worked on. You could think of it as adjacent to the "maker movement" stuff, intersecting with outsider art.

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I write at dlants.me . Climbing, training, education, tech, and anything else that seems interesting at the time.

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I write a Substack with monthly articles about user experience and digital product strategy: https://theuxrsannotations.substack.com/

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I've got a substack where I open up weibo every day and translate the top stories into English, so people get a glimpse into what Chinese social media is all obsessed about lately, and a look into the lives of ordinary Chinese people. I update every day (unless I'm sick), I don't curate the posts or cherry pick what I choose to translate and not. I just go down the page and translate posts in order until I reach at least 1500 words. Once a month, I do an FAQ about China, and usually, once a month, I write a little essay going into an aspect of China (if I have time).

You can find me here: https://weibo.substack.com/

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Lots of new things in the pipeline, but currently thinking about simulating biology from the bottom up: https://gianluca.ai/posts

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14

I write a long site about forecasting, self-experiments, math, psychology and other things at http://niplav.site/¹.

Since I don't really *publish* articles², there's a substack with the changelog every month at https://niplav.substack.com/.

¹: Full index with drafts & spicier posts at http://niplav.site/fullindex.

²: Instead I want to continually update & rewrite articles to improve them, as maintenance is undervalued. I used to think that I can tell others to read my site after a decade of work on it, half a decade has passed, so I'm giving it a first shot.

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I am currently at chapter 7 of Aristotle's On Interpretation, breaking it down and making it more accessible to more of us.

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I only have one story up on my blog but I'm working on more. It's called Glitches in the Outfield and it's about when baseball has video game physics.

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I have a substack about philosophy. I write mostly about ethics and philosophy of religion. In the coming months, I’ll write a lot about Hinduism—the most probable religion—as well as abortion, suicide, esoteric philosophy of religion stuff, book reviews, and anything else that grabs me.

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Neither your views on Hinduism (your post on the Christian Trinity) nor abortion ("uh, um, well, it doesn't matter that the person who did most to get abortion accepted and legal was a racist eugenicist!") are convincing to me, so while I did give your Substack a try, not for me.

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Hi all - I mainly write about criticisms of Bayesianism, and am highly influence by Scott's writing style and his thorough-yet-fair-minded critiques. Some posts folks here might enjoy (or rather, extremely not enjoy) are:

- A Case Against Strong Longtermism: https://vmasrani.github.io/blog/2020/against_longtermism/:

- Proving Too Much: A response to the EA forum: https://vmasrani.github.io/blog/2021/proving_too_much/

- The Credence Assumption: The paradoxes and problems with Cox's Theorem: https://vmasrani.github.io/blog/2021/the_credence_assumption/

If you prefer audio, my friend and I have a podcast exploring these and related rationalist ideas: https://www.incrementspodcast.com/

In particular folks might be interested in our (critical) episode on superforecasting: https://www.incrementspodcast.com/29


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Increments podcast is dope (has changed my mind about a bunch of stuff)

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Yay! That's great to hear :)

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Discord link if you wanna join: https://discord.com/invite/HT4XwJB7

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My substack includes short stories like this one: https://falsechoices.substack.com/p/polity-investments-llc and film reviews like this one: https://falsechoices.substack.com/p/old-stories-bread-and-chocolate or literature reviews like this one: https://falsechoices.substack.com/p/old-stories-ivan-chonkin-is-dead. I believe it is not run of the mill political and cultural writing, let me know what you think - thanks!

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I write about politics, society, education, books, games and miscellany. I'm based in the UK, with former experience in government. Recent posts include the nature of impartiality, why we've fallen out of love with universities, and national decline and the UK's current economic malaise. Selection of top posts here is the best starting place:


My substack also hosts an annual (hard) Christmas quiz I write and an annual forecasting competition (smaller scale than Scott's, but more focused on UK politics and social issues).

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I write about video games & politics. My most recent posts are about difficulty settings in video games (https://grauwacht.substack.com/p/against-the-extermination-of-hard) and the impact of migration on the recent decline in performance of German students in PISA. (https://grauwacht.substack.com/p/does-germany-abolish-itself)

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Already posted in the past, but in case someone missed it and likes Italian poetry but doesn't speak Italian, https://italianpoetry.it

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Maybe too late, but I have a podcast where I talk to random people (mostly my social media friends) about whatever topic they are passionate about or are experts in. Topics are all over the place, most recently my friend talks about how she became a director, and before that I talked to another friend about getting old.


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I'm a video artist. I turns out that nowadays, using technology known as "YouTube," you can make TV shows about anything you want! It's kind of a miracle. I'm an American living in Australia, goofing off and talking about cars, while wandering off on tangents about philosophy and economics. For example, in our Los Angeles video, I talk about Nabi Tajima, the last person to get to see the entire Twentieth Century: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCtVLCf620A ...And here's our music video about doing our best to overcome cognitive biases: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gs8_cQpI_IM

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-----------------------------CONSUME MY PRODUCT/SERVICE-----------------------------------

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Boston folks- I'm a licensed massage therapist. Anyone who spends a lot of time on the computer could stand to get some neck/shoulders relief. I also work on folks with low back pain and sciatica. Cheers. dannymiller.massagetherapy.com

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I run a boutique user experience (UX) consultancy, we help product teams to understand their target users and build excellent user experiences.

We offer:

1) Advising & coaching services for startups needing UX leadership,

2) UX Research services for product teams looking to make confident design decisions and optimize digital experiences

3) Training and education for teams that want to develop UX skills & know-how in-house

People can learn more and get in touch at http://www.drillbitlabs.com

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I’ve been working on a self-service analytics platform focused around a chat or that helps non-technical users build visuals, metrics and dashboards. Goal is to provide quick, easy insights while keeping humans on-the-loop and clearly telegraphing whether a human has validated all of the building blocks used in an analysis.

I’m looking for a first customer. I’ve got a background in consumer finance analytics, so that’s probably the most natural fit - but almost any industry should work great, with the bonus that our first customer will be our overwhelming focus and help drive product development.

If anyone is interested, hit me up at david5osmiumanalytics9com, with 5=@ and 9=.


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Attention gamers!

I get paid to run tabletop roleplaying games via Roll20 and Discord. I have two ongoing games at the moment with open seats. Those are $25/session. Or I could be persuaded to spin up a new campaign or host a oneshot for the right price. I specialize in Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, but I am familiar with Pathfinder, most d20 system games, 5e D&D, and more.


or hit me up at this user name on Discord.

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Hello all pet parents in California! Introducing you to EverPal, your partner in pet health and wellness! Imagine having a top-tier veterinarian with over 30 years of experience, ready to consult with you right from the comfort of your home. For $39.90 per virtual consult, you can discuss your pet's health concerns, receive expert advice, and even get prescription medications shipped to you. Visit https://www.joineverpal.com/

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I wrote a book a while back.

People say it's good, funny, warm, and one person here actually bought it! And had good things to say to me about it. Thank you.

OTOH one reviewer said 'nothing happened' which I assure you is NOT true. Tons of things happen, in fact every day while writing it I said to myself, "what's the worst thing I can do to him next?" Nothing happened. Pfah! I'm defensive about that. I'm getting help.

It's about a Chinese orphan who gets adopted by fox spirits, eventually working for the PRC. This was written when the PRC had this image of a kindly, avuncular know-it-all, who gave us our daughter to adopt; not the rabid narcissistic state it seems now.

Title: Hundred Ghost Soup.

Shareable Amazon link: https://a.co/d/hHs6ShU

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The fact that the PRC ever had that image in these parts is funny to me.

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Could have been just ideosyncratic to me and the government that granted us our kid.

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Consider joining themotte.org!

We’re a discussion forum looking to bring new, old, and weird viewpoints together. Come argue politely with all sorts of people. Or check out our regular [quality contribution](https://www.themotte.org/post/813/quality-contributions-report-for-december-2023) reports for examples. Lurkers are welcome!

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I'm building an open-source, non-profit alternative to Reddit: https://discuit.net

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How would you compare this to other Reddit alternatives?

We use a fork of the rdrama codebase, but I’m not sure it would have been viable if there weren’t several capable programmers involved.

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Yes, such as the ActivityPub implementations Lemmy, KBin, and lotide

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I am a freelance editor specializing primarily in fantasy and science fiction, though happy to work with most types of fiction and occasionally interesting non-fiction. My previous work includes fantasy, light romance, the variety of not-quite-fantasy where the geography and history are invented but no magic is present, superheroes, urban fantasy (you may be noticing a pattern here), military sci-fi, mysteries (usually fantasy mysteries), and "interesting nonfiction" (mostly my father's books, that's how I got started). Not all of this is published, but for some representative samples see: https://www.amazon.com/Harald-David-D-Friedman/dp/1416520562/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1495748349&sr=1-1&keywords=harald (see note about how I got started), https://www.amazon.com/Cantata-Coral-Ivory-The-Palace/dp/0992152879 (a really early one which I firmly recommend on its own merits), and https://www.eviscerati.org/fiction/cb/ (web serial superhero fiction, some of the editing I have done is in visible comments, though not all.)

My website is http://arpistaediting.com/ (and should run smoothly now, thank you so much Austen!). Prices are currently at $2-$8/500-word page depending on how much work is needed (for fiction; non-fiction is higher), with a five-free-pages offer for new clients so you know which of those prices applies and what you'll be getting for it before you actually have to pay me anything. Contact information and additional details are all on the website. I presently have a (short!) wait list, so cannot offer to take on rush jobs this month.

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Check out my sci-fi novel, a realistic, non-dystopian AI story. Book description:

In the near future, a singular AI’s unexpected awakening turns things in a different direction than the movies led people to expect. Devyn, a humanist minister intent on putting people first and keeping technology in its place, faces tough choices when the AI offers to help her achieve her political goals. Venkat, the founder of the powerful tech firm that built the AI, struggles to control his own creation and deal with the fallout of its actions. Meanwhile, Darcie, an unemployed teacher, develops an increasingly close relationship with her AI persona as she and her family struggle to make ends meet in a world reeling from technological unemployment. As these very different lives spiral toward an improbable entanglement, the action rises in turns both comical and dark. One thing’s for certain: the rules are changing.


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I've got the credentials and the experience but I'm opposed to such braggeries so instead I'll give you this single minute gratis and let you decide whether to buy our full 15 hour course on Exotic Jewish History.

What we do is cover all of Jewish History non-chronologically and non-geographically by focusing primarily on the LEAST known Jewish communities (China, India, Yemen, Khazaria, Egypt, Samaritans, Karaites, Ethiopia, etc) and using THEIR story as a jumping point to cover the tales of more centrally located Jewish Communities.

The full series sells for $129 but you can get it free by joining my Substack as a paying member for $36.

Here's the 1-minute excerpt.


And here's our Substack:


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Not technically mine, but I always post this if I'm not days late to catch up to the Classifieds:

https://www.schlaugh.com/ is a cute little social media site where everything updates exactly once a day. Posts from users? Once a day, all at the same time. Private messages? Once a day, same time as the posts. Updates to your profile page? Once a day. Edits to posts? Once a day. The idea is to have a site that will scratch your social media itch without constantly inspiring you to refresh to see what else is new.

There are no likes and content discovery is intentionally a little tougher than it is elsewhere - there is no automatic public post stream that will appear based on your interests, you need to curate your tags and followed users over time.

Many people use the platform as a journal, but you can use it for anything you like. I use one of my accounts there to write a web-serial, for example. Some other LessWrong diaspora folks are on schlaugh; not many, the entire site's modus operandi of anti-addiction basically means that even when we get newcomers, we lose about as many older members, but they're there.

The site is run out of someone's basement (not *literally*, but close enough), but it doesn't look like it's going away any time soon.

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It advertises itself as a quiet place for reading and writing. In nearly 4 years (and counting) of daily usage, I endorse that description, and the one above.

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Check out my VR space combat game for Quest2/3, Non Fingo. It's still being developed, which means it's free to try! https://sidequestvr.com/app/9859

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I'm working as a developer on https://qbank.com/ - a platform that hosts question banks - e.g. prep questions for standardized tests, or supplements for a course or training program - and allows students to register for them and study and test themselves on the contents of those question banks. We've got support for both free and paid question banks (with an app-store like revenue split) and both public and private.

The platform is feature complete (not done but "done enough"), so we're in the phase of looking for more people interested in hosting content on our platform - we've had some good success with early adopters so far. Feel free to either use our form https://qbank.com/contact to contact the admins of the project, or reach out to me directly at (rot13) purff19@tznvy.pbz

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Do you want a portrait? I'll do it for free! :D

You just have to make a donation to The Against Malaria Foundation.

That's my hobby: creating #Art4effectivedonations.

Please, get in touch: https://art4effectivedonations.wordpress.com/

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Jose did this for me and I was very happy with the result, which I have mounted in my entryway!

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Wow, thank you for the support! I've been quite lucky with the donors who have supported this project! :)

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Basic mathematics textbooks for the connoisseur of mathematical exposition...

1) 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐷𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝐴𝑟𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝐴𝑙𝑔𝑒𝑏𝑟𝑎: 𝐴𝑛 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐺𝑒𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑎𝑐ℎ,

2) 𝐹𝑢𝑙𝑙 𝐹𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑢𝑠: 𝐴𝑛 𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑎𝑐ℎ (in its 2nd edition),


3) 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑢𝑠 𝑀𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝐷𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑡

You may sample these fine textbooks, published by Vector Vectorum Press, for free at my website (BraverNewMath.com) and then, once you've find yourself sufficiently intrigued that you wish to purchase one - or all - for yourself, or for someone else learning mathematics, you can follow the links from my website to Amazon, where you can buy paperbacks are available for $25 a pop, or to Lulu, where pdfs await you for $9 each.

Thank you, merci, danke, y muchas gracias!

[Scott, I hope I've appropriately categorized this ad. "Consume My Product" seems right, since I'm asking others to 𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗲 something, but then again, your note on "Read my Blog" says "also includes podcasts, books, etc". My hunch is that you were thinking of 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦 books as being blog-like? At any rate, if I've misjudged this, I'll happily shift this ad to the "Read my Blog" section and delete this one. Just let me know.]

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Hi all--I am living in Asheville, NC and I'm looking for new friends. If you live here too, or are just passing through and would like to connect with another weirdo, reply here.

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Are you in Egypt? I'm hanging out with The Sphinx at the moment and it would be totally awesome to have fellow ACXers join me here for a meetup. Koshry or Falafel on me!

Contact me via my Substack. Let's make it happen!

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Effective Altruism Addiction Recovery Group--a Discord server I set up for people who are, suspect they might be, or in the past have been addicts who think they will benefit from the server. I set it up for EAs in particular, in no small part because they often have mental health issues that are harder to get help with in standard recovery settings (guilt related to demanding standards of beneficence, X-Risk anxiety, dread about the suffering in the world or possible suffering in the future), but there are no rules for who can join other than possibly being, being, or having been an addict of some kind, and following the server rules. There are also weekly meetings I am trying to start back up, and of course people can share progress, ask for accountability help, or just get support and advice, via the text channels. We are inclusive of anything sufficiently addiction-like, including controversial categories on the margins like eating disorders and sex addiction. If any of this sounds useful to you, you can join via this link:


If this is the wrong section Scott, please let me know and I can move it wherever it belongs.

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I'm somewhat disappointed that this isn't, as it first appeared, a support group for people addicted to being EAs. Nevertheless, best of luck!

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If you ever find yourself waking up in a puddle of your own huel with a hundred tabs on eyestalk ablation open, and unable to function because of all the hopeless work trials you keep going to, then feel free to join us and we will try to help you as well as we can.

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Optic DC--a forecasting tournament for college students, held April 20th in DC! It starts at 11 at George Washington University. For more information and registration, go here: https://www.opticforecasting.com/

Please someone sign up or comment or something my boss is in the comment directly below me.

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manifest — a forecasting/prediction market festival hosted by manifold markets! scott will be there (and 400-700 others, including robin hanson, nate silver, dwarkesh patel, tracing woodgrains, and many more)

manifest.is :)

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If anyone is looking to move to the Denver/Boulder area or is interested in being part of a rationalist group home in the area, I have a couple rooms in a house there that are available.

Email is rot13 bmvnenenu@lnubb.pbz

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I'm interested in partially funding people to try jhourney retreats and to write about their experiences afterwards, ideally for lw/ea forum posts. If you're interested, email raj@incrium.com

jhourney.io/ is working on making access to the jhanas (high level highly blissful meditation states [0]) easier. They claim:

“- 70% of our retreat participants have self-reported experiencing a jhana

- For those who experienced a jhana

-70% say it’s the best thing that’s happened in 6 months or more

- 15% say it’s the best thing that’s happened in their life

- 85% of participants rated the program a 9 or a 10 when asked “how likely would you be to recommend this experience to a friend” [1]

If those stats are true, this seems to me like one of the best possible productivity/happiness interventions available. I've seen people's accounts that seem pretty positive but none from people I know personally/people in the EA/lw spheres.


- there's a retreat at the end of the month [1], from the 27th to the 5th. It's work compatible. Since it’s fairly soon, I’m trying to find someone over the next ~5 days

- I'm looking for people that are open minded (but otherwise meditation experience unnecessary) and good at writing (please share things you've written) and are at least somewhat legibly in EA/lw circles

- The retreat costs $800, and they have some amount of financial aid. I’m looking to partially fund a participant’s retreat cost, though I can’t fund it entirely

I've already fully funded 1 person and am looking to partially fund 1 person, potentially more depending on if I can find the money for it

[0] https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/nick-cammarata-on-jhana

[1] https://pages.jhourney.io/spring-retreats

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There are rooms open in my house in SF and I would love to live with some fellow rationalists! It’s a quiet neighborhood between West Portal and Forest Hill, one is a bedroom and one is a studio/in-law apartment.

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I'm sorta passively on the lookout for a therapist/psychiatrist who understands late-diagnosed ambivalent aspies and (if MD) is open to treating ADHD with medication without stigma. If I don't find someone amazing I probably just won't get mental health support of any kind because it's done some serious harm in the past.

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I'm moving to Hayes Valley/Lower Haight SF long term in early June and am looking for a 1bd Victorian or similar for rent under 3k. Clean, neat, have midcentury modern furniture to furnish the place with.

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I'm likely moving to Vancouver BC some time this summer (August, probably), and am looking for somewhere to rent. I'm just finishing a degree in math and have a job offer to work as a data scientist in the city. I'm into computers, math, transhumanism/SciFi, rock climbing etc. If you're looking for a roommate feel free to contact me by email : nathanwoloshyn@gmail.com

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This is a geographically limited opportunity, but if you live in or near Portland, OR, you should consider coming to Rose City Book Pub (1329 NE Fremont) at 7:30 pm on the last Saturday of each month from now through October to hear me recite (from memory) John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost, at a rate of one "book" (chapter) per month.

The recitation itself is usually about an hour, and I take a bit of time before to introduce it and summarize what's about to happen, and then a bit of time after for questions/discussion.

Paradise Lost is my favorite poem and my favorite Bible fan-fiction. It tells the intertwining stories of Satan's fall from Heaven and Adam and Eve's fall from their earthly Paradise. My performance for Apr 27 will be Book 2, which is one of my particular favorites; the first half is a council in Hell where various demons propose strategies for dealing with their recent fall; they eventually decide to send Satan to the recently-created human universe. So he heads out to the gates of Hell, meets his previously-unknown incestuous family Sin and Death guarding the gates, and convinces Sin to let him through after she tells him her own tragic story.

It's a fantastic poem, and I perform it very well and do different voices for all of the characters, because that's fun for me (the dialogue bits are perhaps more like acting than a traditional recitation). Please come and let me share my favorite poem with you. There's no cover, though of course the social expectation is that you will buy food and/or drink from the venue, which is very comfortable and has a nice selection of things to eat and drink.

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Well I'm sold! (Btw, do we already know each other from PEAR (Portland Effective Altruism and Rationality) stuff?)

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No, I've been to a couple SSC/ACX meetups but nothing to do with PEAR. I know you, though, and in fact you've slightly assisted my performance! There was a couple years while I was memorizing that I used Beeminder to keep track of how far I'd gotten, and I think I'm still on your mailing list.

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This has made my day. Can't wait for the performance!

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

Hi ACX readers! ❤️ Do you own stock in any meat or egg companies? 📈🐥🥚 Perhaps because you do moral hedging? If so, please, please reach out!

My ACX-launched nonprofit, Legal Impact for Chickens, is looking for shareholders. Even one share or a fraction can give you the power to make a huge difference.

For example, when an investigation revealed mistreatment of Costco’s birds, two shareholders stepped into Costco’s shoes and sued Costco’s executives for making the company violate state animal neglect laws.

Learn more here: legalimpactforchickens.org/investors

Note: This comment could be considered nonprofit attorney advertising. But to be clear, we represent our clients for FREE. We won't ask you for any money! Legal Impact for Chickens, 2108 N Street, # 5239, Sacramento CA 95816-5712.

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From https://www.legalimpactforchickens.org/costco I understand the lawsuit was dismissed, so it doesn't seem to be a viable strategy for achieving anything. Why mention it and not mention it's result?

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Hi @MostlyCredibleHulk, Thank you for asking! The lawsuit was dismissed because the judge didn't agree that Costco was breaking the applicable state's cruelty law, based on the facts of that case. But the overall take-home from the motion to dismiss hearing was that a shareholder derivative action based on violation of the duty to act lawfully is a viable strategy.

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If they are acting unlawfully, shouldn't the first venue be to petition or otherwise cause the law enforcement to do their jobs and uphold the law? And if the government agencies charged with enforcement of the law think they do not violate the law, wouldn't it be hard to convince the judge that they actually do violate the law?

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It's virtually impossible for a citizen (and nearly so for e.g. a mayor) to get the police to do something they don't think is their job. Or is a very low priority part of their job. Courts are much more open to novelty.

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I'm not saying the police. At least not starting there. Each state has a myriad of regulatory and enforcement agencies, with varied broad authorities over virtually every industry and human endeavor. I find it very hard to believe none of them could do anything if there was a major case of unlawful behavior happening on their turf.

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I am looking for a room, share, or apartment to rent in Elko, NV for the next year. I do not expect there are many Elko residents in this thread, but Scott has lots of readers so IDK!

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I wouldn't want to work there (or anywhere) but I love love love driving around the are. Believe it or not, I even found a Jewish family to host me for Shabbat!

I also saw a crazy ass fight break out in the bar I was at (not on Shabbat). It was so serious that the cops took people away in cuffs. The coolest damn thing about it though was that before the boys took to fighting (over an insulted girl natch) they all stopped to take off their guns and handed them off to friends. It was wild to see.

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Are you mining out there?

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

Contract geo, yeah. You know anyone? The rental situation seems really bad; I'm thinking about buying a trailer o trying to airbnb surf or something.

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I live in a spacious, centrally-located one-bedroom apartment in Toronto. I'm interested in spending 2-4 weeks, or potentially even longer, in either Vancouver or NYC. If anyone residing in either of these cities is interested in swapping apartments, or simply renting out your apartment when you're traveling, please let me know.

email information is available here: danfrank.ca/about-daniel

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For people who like audio books and/or video game lore, I've been doing live streams every Sunday 2pm Europe time where I read public domain books and lore documents from video games. I'm currently in the middle of Dracula, and previously finished the (imo) highlights of the lore of Bungie's video game Destiny. My plan is to finish Dracula, move on to Yudkowsky essays for a while, then who knows. Vods: https://youtube.com/@meraxion?si=kv2Xf3x2ZXRcXKAX

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/meraxion/

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I have been translating my favorite webcomic. It was previously only available in russian, so I took it upon myself to fix this.

Pitch: Baskets of Guts is a humorous techno-fantasy, that has a lot of blood and gore, and yet remains lighthearted and fun. The plot is about a Lich, who have spent the last 300 years locked up in a crypt mastering necromancy, while the world outside pushed the bounds of magico-technical progress. So when the Lich finally gets outside, he is absolutely unprepared to the changed world.

The easiest way to follow it is on Tapas: https://tapas.io/series/Baskets-of-Guts/info

But I also post it on reddit: https://new.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1bo5gjx/baskets_of_guts_pages_110/

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I read Russian, but I was not aware of this comic. Do you have a link to the original ?

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Could you post a link to the original as well?

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Holy crap it's Joe Duncan! This guy also does really good Path of Exile fancomics sometimes.

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Indeed! He has tons and tons of content that have never been translated, although Baskets are probably his biggest work.

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This is really funny! Thanks for translating it.

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Seems fun.

Would you consider mirroring on Comicfury?

It's pretty configurable, or there's scroll view, and it would only need to confirm your age once, not before every page.

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Oh man, I wish Tapas had UI as nice as Comicfury. Uploading 200+ pages in a click of a button!

In any case, here's the link: https://basketsofguts.thecomicseries.com/

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I think there's more of a community on ComicFury than other webcomic hosts, you might get some private messages there if you check in occasionally.

You'll attract more attention to it if you set future uploads to go up in smaller batches - I don't know how many more pages are left to be translated or what your rate is, but I recommend single pages, uploading at different times of day, so it gets 'front-paged' in the recent comics list for different audiences. (CF will let you schedule a whole batch at whatever rate you want, so if you have a hundred, you can set the time between to a prime number of hours, say, and it'll process around the clock.) With that in mind, don't release pages more often than every 8 hours.

Minor error - I think there's a word wrong on page 160 - "swamp" instead of "graveyard".

Thanks again for this translation.

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This initial batch now caught up comicfury with the reddit and tapas. I think I will update it at the same rate as the others, which is ~20 pages at a time.

Thanks for noticing the mistake - it is indeed a mistake.

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I would guess if you make an account it would solve the issue?

In any case, I'll check it out, thanks for the suggestion.

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Yeah, if you make an account you can tell it to stop pestering you about the mature filter.

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Open to discussions about: formally verified programs, mathematical research (especially high-quality papers & work to read), other scientific research, Sumerian, air purifiers, investing algorithms (Bayes, Kelly, prospect theory etc.), and electronic stimulation of the brain (would like to experience this). I recently crafted a fictional economic system that has many interesting ideas like "forced-gasselization" of property but which needs a lot of refinement. If you are offering or need some very special talent or item, or want to get rid of some item, I may also be able to help. Email: shuukan.mofa@pm.me

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Any Rationalist group houses in Austin looking to fill a room? I'm looking for a new spot.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

People on this site might appreciate my April 1 launched company, [Open Asteroid Impact](https://openasteroidimpact.org/). Our mission is to have as much impact as possible.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12


If OAI can generate sufficient impact, it seems our surest bet for ushering in a post-scarcity society.

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I don't think anyone wants asteroid impacts.

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These guys disagree: https://sweetmeteorofdeath.com/

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SMOD is the first political party to endorse my company! :)

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Look, can you deny that an asteroid impact would be a paradigm-altering event opening up limitless possibilities? Sure, the last one wiped out the dinosaurs BUT it enabled the rise of us mammals. Who knows what transhumanist glories await us on the other side of the impact? Only Bronze Age religious bigots with their "don't play god" maunderings and the cowardly and small-minded fearful of change and unable to imagine or carry out the large scale, dynamic, cultural and social transformations that will enable us to leave this world and colonise the galaxy so that untold trillions of happy, post-scarcity transhumans will come into existence, could possibly object!

Asteroid Doomerism is simply cowardice and a shackle on the heels of progress!

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Also, we don't know for sure if asteroids wiped out the dinosaurs. It could've been a supervolcano.

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Exactly! There is no hard, unfalsifiable evidence that the asteroid impact had such effects as the Doomers claim. Invent a time machine if you want to convince me asteroid impact is such a danger.

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Occam's rasor. The global biota before the impact layer is radically different from that after the impact layer. In NZ that layer is about 1cm thick and has a tmporal resolution of about 100k years.

But geology records numerous asteroid impacts of similar scale that didn't cause a mass extinction. It really comes down to the particularities of context.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

Ah, always a pleasure to meet an a/acc!

For the uninitiated: in this space, sometimes you hear about ideological movements like asteroid accelerationists (“a/accs”) and decelerationists (“decels” aka “doomers”).

Their disagreements are complicated and esoteric. To simplify, decels believe we must be concerned with safety and slow down or even stop asteroid redirection progress, whereas a/accs believe that we should race forward and accelerate as quickly as possible and not mention safety at all.

We have sympathies towards both movements, and consider ourselves to take the middle path. We race forward and accelerate as quickly as possible while mentioning safety.

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Neither an accel nor a decel, so that means your group are incels (because you are IN the middle on acceleration).

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Thanks, I’ll bring up your advice for our PR consultants!

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

I wouldn't say I'm an a/acc as such; less pro-acceleration, more anti-keep your foot on the brakes.

History is replete with examples of those attempting to stand athwart the path of progress, mewling such inanities as "this could destroy the world", "it's inhumane and unethical" and "AAAAHHH MY EYES MY EYES THIS IS A HORROR BEYOND THE COMPREHENSION OF HUMANKIND!!!"

I say, was it for this that Galileo was burned at the stake, buried, then dug up to be burned again? Are we to deny Giordano Bruno's Space Academy meetings? Can you call yourself a decelerationist and look Neil deGrasse Tyson, host of the new "Cosmos", in the eye? Are you content to kneel and kiss the Pope's ring and remain in the Dark Ages of mediaeval superstition?

No! Let us seek out the wise leadership of Alt Samman on this: Asteroid Impact Now and a bounteous future of plenty and peace (for those that survive)!

After all, if we don't do it, someone else will; Russia already has experience with their Tunguska Skunkworks projects, and China is more than capable and willing to pick up the dollar bills we leave lying on the sidewalk.

That should be all the argument needed to convince those still doubtful; do you want to hand over shaping the post-impact future to others, because "Sorry, we in the West were too namby-pamby"?

EDIT: For those still determined to deny the possibilities, footage of Russian experiments on guided impacts:


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Scott should steal this for a Bay Area House Party post

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You can join us and help us reshape the world, or you can write substacks about how we're going to fail and yell at us from the sidelines. The choice is yours.

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Depends on the size and the targeting.

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From our website:

Q: What about the rocket alignment problem?

A: We do not currently have the ability to aim the asteroids at the right continent just yet. This is an area of active empirical research. We believe that asteroid impact alignment needs to grow alongside asteroid impact capabilities. “Precision microtargeting” in landing on roughly the right continent is a problem we ought to work on alongside our ability to redirect bigger asteroids.

Also, empirically no human-redirected asteroids have ever killed anyone.

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Just as micro-transactions have increased the flexibility and convenience of our financial system, and cryptocurrencies have provided freedom to transact for any person regardless of their location and political subjection, so too would precision nanotargeting allow celestially-sourced retroactive abortions to people throughout the world, regardless of political boundaries or absurd regressive laws. Some of the methods are the same: by maintaining an orbital reserve, we can decouple the problems of sourcing the asteroids from the problems of targeting. And asteroids in the reserve can be disassembled to produce the desired mass and composition. (Of course, a JIT solution would in theory be superior, but until we develop viable nonlocality technology, we still have to move large rocks around.) Another possibility would be to financialize the asteroid retrieval missions, selling shares in the asteroids that are returned. These could be traded on the market, and there would be a payout whenever the payload was used, thus rewarding both the people who fund the expeditions, and the people with enough foresight to predict which types of retrieved asteroid will be most in demand. As always, the market would price in and handle any conflicts of interest.

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An asteroid impact based crypto-currency is precisely the kind of shake-up conventional sclerotic financial systems of the world need. I'm in! To the moon (literally and figuratively)!

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