This is the weekly visible open thread. Post about anything you want, ask random questions, whatever. ACX has an unofficial subreddit, Discord, and bulletin board, and in-person meetups around the world. 95% of content is free, but for the remaining 5% you can subscribe here. Also:
1: Followup on Ozempic/GLP-1RAs - Asterisk Magazine has a superforecaster predict How Long Til We’re All On Ozempic?
2: ACX grantee Mike Saint-Antoine wants to announce he’ll be teaching a weekend seminar on the basics of computational biology October 19-20 in New York City. The only prerequisite is basic Python, no biology knowledge required. More info here, and link to sign up here. This is part of Fractal University, a community-based proto-university that offers classes on a lot of interesting subjects.
3: “Comment” of the week is this subreddit post announcing the Bell Riots in San Francisco this Monday. In the Star Trek universe, one of the precipitants to Earth’s eventual utopian government was the anti-homelessness “Bell Riots” that took place in San Francisco on September 2, 2024. In their honor, some YIMBYs will be holding anti-homelessness riots protests in Golden Gate Park on that date.
4: Greg Lukianoff has responded to my response to his definition of “cancel culture”.
Open Thread 345