This is the weekly visible open thread. Post about anything you want, ask random questions, whatever. ACX has an unofficial subreddit, Discord, and bulletin board, and in-person meetups around the world. 95% of content is free, but for the remaining 5% you can subscribe here. Also:
1: The previous attempt to email people their Forecasting Contest score didn’t work. So new plan: here’s a list of everyone’s scores, associated with a hash of their email address:
Go to this site and enter the email address you used for the contest. Find the first five characters of the hash on the Excel file, and that’s you; your score is the next cell over. The highest score was 0.275, the lowest was -2.185, and you can compare to various averages on this graphic from the post. Eight people had hash collisions and their scores will be ambiguous; if that’s you, email me if you really want to know. Thanks to Legionnaire for putting this together; I’ll update you when I know if there are any plans for Full Mode.
2: echometer on the subreddit made a mobile-friendly reader for Astral Codex Ten in case you need the page to load a little faster. Again, the last time I told Substack about speed issues, they said they’ve “got plans to improve” it
Open Thread 322