This is the weekly visible open thread. Post about anything you want, ask random questions, whatever. ACX has an unofficial subreddit, Discord, and bulletin board, and in-person meetups around the world. 95% of content is free, but for the remaining 5% you can subscribe here. Also:
1: Time to start the book review contest! You’ll find the entries in four Google Docs: A-G, H-S, T-Th, and W-Z. If you want to help, please open one of those at random, then pick a review at random*. Or pick the review you find most interesting. Anything as long as you don’t start at the beginning of the list; I want to spread ratings across reviews as evenly as possible. Once you’ve read the review, go to the review rating form here and send me your 1-10 rating. Then pick a new review and keep repeating this process for as long as you have the patience and interest to continue. I’ll also be going through these, and the reviews that have the best ratings (from me and from other readers) will get promoted to finalists and posted here.
[*update: thanks to Taymon Beal for this link, which will take you to a random review]
2: Related: if you think you entered the contest, but your review isn’t included in the documents or isn’t listed as an option on the dropdown in the rating form, please email with “This is a genuine nonspam message” somewhere in the text so my spam filter doesn’t eat it, let me know what’s missing, and maybe send me a backup copy in case the original got lost.
3: Last year people kept guessing that various reviews were by me, and I had to reassure you that no, I hadn’t secretly entered my own contest. This year I refuse to confirm or deny anything, so have fun speculating!
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