This is the weekly visible open thread. Post about anything you want, ask random questions, whatever. ACX has an unofficial subreddit, Discord, and bulletin board, and in-person meetups around the world. 95% of content is free, but for the remaining 5% you can subscribe here. Also:
1: I’m looking for a psychiatrist to cover me at Lorien Psychiatry while I potentially get elective surgery this spring (maybe for one week?). This would involve answering patient messages, refilling prescriptions, and maybe talking to someone over the phone or videochat if there’s an urgent issue. I would be happy to either pay a reasonable amount of money, or cover you in turn when you need it. Must be licensed in the state of California. Please contact me at if you’re willing to help, and we’ll work something out. Sorry to advertise this here, but I trust psychiatrists who read ACX more than I would trust whoever I could find on a psychiatry Facebook group.
2: We have seven project proposals for the Forecasting Mini-Grants Round and are still looking for more. And Manifund has published a document explaining their auction mechanism.
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